
I'm trying to migrate from TFS 2018 version 16.131.28106.2 (Tfs2018.Update3) to Azure DevOps using migration tool in this link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54274


but when i try to run the below command I'm getting below error


C:\TFSMigrator\DataMigrationTool>Migrator validate /collection:http://192.168.1. 19:8080/tfs/ProductsEngine


The data migration tool was unable to find an installation path for the Azure De vOps Server Application Tier. Either Azure DevOps Server is not installed, you a re using a version of the data migration tool that isn't supported for your vers ion of Azure DevOps Server, or you are using a version of Azure DevOps Server th at is not supported for import.

See https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsImportSupportedVersions to check that your version of Azure DevOps Server is supported for import. See https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsImport to download the Migrator version that works with your Azure DevOps Server version. See https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsImportValidate for details on running Migrator on your collection.

please advise.


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Azure DevOps 的数据迁移工具在给定时间支持两个最新版本的 Azure DevOps Server。版本包括更新和主要版本。目前支持导入以下版本的 Azure DevOps Server:

  • Azure DevOps 服务器 2019
  • Azure DevOps 服务器 2019.0.1

您会注意到 TFS 2018不是受支持的版本。您必须先升级。

于 2019-06-20T13:23:41.997 回答