我有一个 ObservableCollection 类型的数据集合(例如 myClassTypes 实例)。在一些用户操作之后,这个 myClassTypes 填充了 ViewModel 中的值。在视图中,有一个文本框,用户可以在其中输入文本。我需要根据 myClassTypes 值验证文本框数据。因此,如果 myClassTypes 包含用户在文本框中插入的文本,则通过验证,否则将失败。我的代码片段是:ViewModel:

public ObservableCollection < MyClassType > ViewModelClassTypes {
    get {

        return _myClassTypes;
    set {
        _myClassTypes = value;
        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() = >MyClassTypes);

public class TestValidationRule: ValidationRule {
    public ObservableCollection < MyClassType > MyClassTypes {
        get = >(ObservableCollection < MyClassType > ) GetValue(MyClassTypesProperty);
        set = >SetValue(MyClassTypesProperty, value);

仅供参考:MyClassTypesProperty 是一个依赖属性

我的 View.xaml 是:

        <Binding UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged">
                <validationRules:TestValidationRule MyClassTypes="{Binding ViewModelClassTypes}"/>

我无法在 MyClassTypes 中获取 ViewModelClassTypes 填充值。谁能建议我做错了什么?


1 回答 1


自 .Net 4.5 以来实现数据验证的首选方式是让您的视图模型实现INotifyDataErrorInfo(来自Technet的示例,来自MSDN (Silverlight)的示例)。



当 的ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors属性Binding设置为true时,绑定引擎将在绑定源上搜索INotifyDataErrorInfo实现并订阅INotifyDataErrorInfo.ErrorsChanged事件。


此验证反馈可视化过程仅在特定数据绑定上设置为 且Binding.ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors设置为或时执行。trueBinding.ModeBindingMode.TwoWayBindingMode.OneWayToSource



  • a ValidationRule(封装实际数据验证实现的类)
  • Lambdas(或委托)
  • 验证属性(用于装饰已验证的属性)。



从 .NET 4.5 开始,推荐的方式是让视图模型实现INotifyDataErrorInfo接口。关键是为每个属性或规则

扩展ValidationRule是可选的。我选择扩展ValidationRule是因为它已经提供了一个完整的验证 API,并且如果需要,可以通过绑定验证重用实现。

如果出现验证错误,我们所要做的就是生成错误消息,将其添加到私有字符串集合中,以允许我们的INotifyDataErrorInfo.GetErrors(propertyName)实现从该集合返回正确的错误消息并引发INotifyDataErrorInfo.ErrorChanged事件以通知 WPF 绑定引擎有关错误:

public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyDataErrorInfo
  // Example property, which validates its value before applying it
  private string userInput;
  public string UserInput
    get => this.userInput; 
      // Validate the value

      this.userInput = value; 

  // Constructor
  public ViewModel()
    this.Errors = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
    this.ValidationRules = new Dictionary<string, List<ValidationRule>>();

    // Create a Dictionary of validation rules for fast lookup. 
    // Each property name of a validated property maps to one or more ValidationRule.
    this.ValidationRules.Add(nameof(this.UserInput), new List<ValidationRule>() {new UserInputValidationRule()});

  // Validation method. 
  // Is called from each property which needs to validate its value.
  // Because the parameter 'propertyName' is decorated with the 'CallerMemberName' attribute.
  // this parameter is automatically generated by the compiler. 
  // The caller only needs to pass in the 'propertyValue', if the caller is the target property's set method.
  public bool ValidateProperty<TValue>(TValue propertyValue, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)  
    // Clear previous errors of the current property to be validated 

    if (this.ValidationRules.TryGetValue(propertyName, out List<ValidationRule> propertyValidationRules))
      // Apply all the rules that are associated with the current property 
      // and validate the property's value
        .Select(validationRule => validationRule.Validate(propertyValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
        .Where(result => !result.IsValid)
        .ForEach(invalidResult => AddError(propertyName, invalidResult.ErrorContent as string));

      return !PropertyHasErrors(propertyName);

    // No rules found for the current property
    return true;

  // Adds the specified error to the errors collection if it is not 
  // already present, inserting it in the first position if 'isWarning' is 
  // false. Raises the ErrorsChanged event if the Errors collection changes. 
  // A property can have multiple errors.
  public void AddError(string propertyName, string errorMessage, bool isWarning = false)
    if (!this.Errors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out List<string> propertyErrors))
      propertyErrors = new List<string>();
      this.Errors[propertyName] = propertyErrors;

    if (!propertyErrors.Contains(errorMessage))
      if (isWarning) 
        // Move warnings to the end
        propertyErrors.Insert(0, errorMessage);

  // Optional method to check if a certain property has validation errors
  public bool PropertyHasErrors(string propertyName) => this.Errors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out List<string> propertyErrors) && propertyErrors.Any();

  #region INotifyDataErrorInfo implementation

  // The WPF binding engine will listen to this event
  public event EventHandler<DataErrorsChangedEventArgs> ErrorsChanged;

  // This implementatio of GetErrors returns all errors of the specified property. 
  // If the argument is 'null' instead of the property's name, 
  // then the method will return all errors of all properties.
  // This method is called by the WPF binding engine when ErrorsChanged event was raised and HasErrors retirn true
  public System.Collections.IEnumerable GetErrors(string propertyName) 
    => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) 
      ? this.Errors.SelectMany(entry => entry.Value) 
      : this.Errors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out List<string> errors) 
        ? errors 
        : new List<string>();

  // Returns 'true' if the view model has any invalid property
  public bool HasErrors => this.Errors.Any(); 


  #region INotifyPropertyChanged implementation

  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


  protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)        
    this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

  protected virtual void OnErrorsChanged(string propertyName)
    this.ErrorsChanged?.Invoke(this, new DataErrorsChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

  // Maps a property name to a list of errors that belong to this property
  private Dictionary<String, List<String>> Errors { get; }

  // Maps a property name to a list of ValidationRules that belong to this property
  private Dictionary<String, List<ValidationRule>> ValidationRules { get; }



public class UserInputValidationRule : ValidationRule
  public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
    if (!(value is string userInput))
      return new ValidationResult(false, "Value must be of type string.");    

    if (!userInput.StartsWith("@"))
      return new ValidationResult(false, "Input must start with '@'.");    

    return ValidationResult.ValidResult;


要启用可视数据验证反馈,Binding.ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors必须将属性设置为true每个相关Binding的,即其中的源Binding是经过验证的属性。然后 WPF 框架将显示控件的默认错误反馈。

        <ViewModel />       
    <!-- Important: set ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors to true to enable visual feedback -->
    <TextBox Text="{Binding UserInput, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True}" 
             Validation.ErrorTemplate="{DynamicResource ValidationErrorTemplate}" />  

默认的视觉错误反馈是经过验证的元素周围的简单红色边框。如果您想自定义视觉反馈,例如,允许向用户显示错误消息,您可以定义一个自定义并通过附加属性(见上文)ControlTemplate将其分配给经过验证的元素(在本例中为)。 以下启用显示与已验证属性关联的错误消息列表:TextBoxValidation.ErrorTemplate

<ControlTemplate x:Key="ValidationErrorTemplate">
    <Border BorderBrush="Red" 
      <!-- Placeholder for the DataGridTextColumn itself -->
      <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="AdornedElement"  />

    <Border Background="White" 
      <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ErrorContent}" 

我建议将 的实现与实现一起移动INotifyDataErrorInfo到基类(例如抽象ViewModel类)中,INotifyPropertyChanged并让所有视图模型继承它。这使验证逻辑可重用并保持您的视图模型类干净。



作为替代方法,ValidationRule可以用委托替换以启用 Lambda 表达式或方法组:

// Example uses System.ValueTuple
public bool ValidateProperty<TValue>(
  TValue value, 
  Func<TValue, (bool IsValid, IEnumerable<string> ErrorMessages)> validationDelegate, 
  [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)  
  // Clear previous errors of the current property to be validated 

  // Validate using the delegate
  (bool IsValid, IEnumerable<string> ErrorMessages) validationResult = validationDelegate?.Invoke(value) ?? (true, string.Empty);

  if (!validationResult.IsValid)
    // Store the error messages of the failed validation
    foreach (string errorMessage in validationResult.ErrorMessages)
      // See previous example for implementation of AddError(string,string):void
      AddError(propertyName, errorMessage);

  return validationResult.IsValid;

private string userInput;
public string UserInput
  get => this.userInput; 
    // Validate the new property value before it is accepted
    if (ValidateProperty(value, 
      newValue => newValue.StartsWith("@") 
        ? (true, new List<string>()) 
        : (false, new List<string> {"Value must start with '@'."})))
      // Accept the valid value
      this.userInput = value; 

// Alternative usage example property which validates its value 
// before applying it using a Method Group.
// Example uses System.ValueTuple.
private string userInputAlternativeValidation;
public string UserInputAlternativeValidation
  get => this.userInputAlternativeValidation; 
    // Use Method group
    if (ValidateProperty(value, AlternativeValidation))
      this.userInputAlternativeValidation = value; 

private (bool IsValid, string ErrorMessage) AlternativeValidation(string value)
  return value.StartsWith("@") 
    ? (true, string.Empty) 
    : (false, "Value must start with '@'.");


这是一个INotifyDataErrorInfo带有ValidationAttribute支持的示例实现,例如MaxLengthAttribute. 该解决方案结合了之前的 Lamda 版本,另外还支持同时使用 Lambda 表达式/委托进行验证:

public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyDataErrorInfo
  private string userInputAttributeValidation;
  [MaxLength(Length = 5, ErrorMessage = "Only five characters allowed.")]
  public string UserInputAttributeValidation
    get => this.userInputAttributeValidation; 
      // Use only the attribute (can be combined with a Lambda or Method group)
      if (ValidateProperty(value))
        this.userInputAttributeValidation = value; 

  // Constructor
  public ViewModel()
    this.Errors = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

  // Validate properties using decorated attributes and/or a validation delegate. 
  // The validation delegate is optional.
  public bool ValidateProperty<TValue>(
    TValue value, 
    Func<TValue, (bool IsValid, IEnumerable<string> ErrorMessages)> validationDelegate = null, 
    [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)  
    // Clear previous errors of the current property to be validated 

    bool isValueValid = ValidatePropertyUsingAttributes(value, propertyName);
    if (validationDelegate != null)
      isValueValid |= ValidatePropertyUsingDelegate(value, validationDelegate, propertyName);

    return isValueValid;

  // Validate properties using decorated attributes. 
  public bool ValidatePropertyUsingAttributes<TValue>(TValue value, string propertyName)  
    // The result flag
    bool isValueValid = true;

    // Check if property is decorated with validation attributes
    // using reflection
    IEnumerable<Attribute> validationAttributes = GetType()
      .GetProperty(propertyName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)
      ?.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValidationAttribute)) ?? new List<Attribute>();

    // Validate using attributes if present
    if (validationAttributes.Any())
      var validationContext = new ValidationContext(this, null, null) { MemberName = propertyName };
      var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
      if (!Validator.TryValidateProperty(value, validationContext, validationResults))
        isValueValid = false;

        foreach (ValidationResult attributeValidationResult in validationResults)
          AddError(propertyName, attributeValidationResult.ErrorMessage);

    return isValueValid;

  // Validate properties using the delegate. 
  public bool ValidatePropertyUsingDelegate<TValue>(
    TValue value, 
    Func<TValue, (bool IsValid, IEnumerable<string> ErrorMessages)> validationDelegate, 
    string propertyName) 
    // The result flag
    bool isValueValid = true;

    // Validate using the delegate
    (bool IsValid, IEnumerable<string> ErrorMessages) validationResult = validationDelegate.Invoke(value);

    if (!validationResult.IsValid)
      isValueValid = false;

      // Store the error messages of the failed validation
      foreach (string errorMessage in validationResult.ErrorMessages)
        AddError(propertyName, errorMessage);

    return isValueValid;

  // Adds the specified error to the errors collection if it is not 
  // already present, inserting it in the first position if 'isWarning' is 
  // false. Raises the ErrorsChanged event if the Errors collection changes. 
  // A property can have multiple errors.
  public void AddError(string propertyName, string errorMessage, bool isWarning = false)
    if (!this.Errors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out List<string> propertyErrors))
      propertyErrors = new List<string>();
      this.Errors[propertyName] = propertyErrors;

    if (!propertyErrors.Contains(errorMessage))
      if (isWarning) 
        // Move warnings to the end
        propertyErrors.Insert(0, errorMessage);

  public bool PropertyHasErrors(string propertyName) => this.Errors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out List<string> propertyErrors) && propertyErrors.Any();

  #region INotifyDataErrorInfo implementation

  public event EventHandler<DataErrorsChangedEventArgs> ErrorsChanged;

  // Returns all errors of a property. If the argument is 'null' instead of the property's name, 
  // then the method will return all errors of all properties.
  public System.Collections.IEnumerable GetErrors(string propertyName) 
    => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) 
      ? this.Errors.SelectMany(entry => entry.Value) 
      : this.Errors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out IEnumerable<string> errors) 
        ? errors 
        : new List<string>();

  // Returns if the view model has any invalid property
  public bool HasErrors => this.Errors.Any(); 


  #region INotifyPropertyChanged implementation

  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


  protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
    this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

  protected virtual void OnErrorsChanged(string propertyName)
    this.ErrorsChanged?.Invoke(this, new DataErrorsChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

  // Maps a property name to a list of errors that belong to this property
  private Dictionary<String, List<String>> Errors { get; }    
于 2019-06-15T06:50:57.930 回答