作为 MATLAB 的转换者,我对 python 和 scipy 比较陌生。我正在对 scipy.integrate 中的 odeint 函数进行快速测试,并遇到了这个潜在的错误。考虑以下代码段:
from scipy import *
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from pylab import *
# ODE system with forcing function u(t)
def sis(x,t,u):
return [x[1], u(t)]
# Solution time span
t = linspace(0, 10, 1e3)
# Profile for forcing function u(t)
acel = lambda t: 3*(t<2)-3*(t>8)
# Interpolator for acelerator
acel_interp = interp1d(t, acel(t), bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
# ODE integration with u(t) = acel, a lambda function
x_1 = odeint(sis, [0,0], t, args=(acel,) ) # Correct result
# ODE integration with u(t) = acel_interp, an interpolator
x_2 = odeint(sis, [0,0], t, args=(acel_interp,) ) # Incorrect result
至少对我来说,你如何看待这种毫无根据的结果差异?我在 Python 2.6.6 之上使用 NumPy 版本 1.5.0 和 SciPy 版本 0.8.0