所以我有一条由 n 个点组成的任意线(参见图 1 中的示例)
我想围绕这条线画一个轮廓(见图 2),所以我需要计算周围多边形的点。
我首先在线上执行扩张,但这不起作用 - 见图 3
当线不相遇(2-3、6-7 和 12-13)时,您添加线连接(蓝色)。线连接可以是仅通过连接点的斜角连接(2-3),也可以是通过延长线直到它们相遇 (6-7) 的斜接连接或通过制作曲线的圆形连接。
我想出了一种计算线条轮廓点的方法。对于原始线的每个点,您必须为轮廓计算 2 个点:
我已经用 C 编写了这个函数,但是我使用了 Accelerate Framework,所以它不是很容易阅读。您可以在此处找到源代码,并在此处找到运行演示的视频。
这是我在 Objective-C 中的一些代码(即使它有时是错误的,我不知道为什么,让我知道它对你有什么好处......):
- (hOzPolygon2D *) convertToPolygonWithWidth:(double) polyWidth
double shift = polyWidth / 2.;
NSMutableArray *tempEdgesRight = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
NSMutableArray *tempEdgesLeft = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
NSMutableArray *tempPolyPoints = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// Move your points on the right by half the desired width
// My edges are already computed in a NSArray* called edges,
// but you can use pairs of vectors and adapt all this
for (hOzEdge2D *edge in edges) {
hOzVector2 v = hOzVector2([[edge pointB] x] - [[edge pointA] x], [[edge pointB] y] - [[edge pointA] y]);
double mag = sqrt (v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
v.x = v.x / mag;
v.y = v.y / mag;
double temp = v.x;
v.x = v.y;
v.y = -temp;
hOzPoint2D *newPointA = [[hOzPoint2D alloc] init];
[newPointA setX:([[edge pointA] x] + v.x * shift)];
[newPointA setY:([[edge pointA] y] + v.y * shift)];
hOzPoint2D *newPointB = [[hOzPoint2D alloc] init];
[newPointB setX:([[edge pointB] x] + v.x * shift)];
[newPointB setY:([[edge pointB] y] + v.y * shift)];
[tempEdgesRight addObject:[hOzEdge2D edge2DWithPointA:newPointA pointB:newPointB]];
// With the same polyline, move on the left
for (int j = [edges count] - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
hOzVector2 v = hOzVector2([[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointB] x] - [[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointA] x], [[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointB] y] - [[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointA] y]);
double mag = sqrt (v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
v.x = v.x / mag;
v.y = v.y / mag;
double temp = v.x;
v.x = v.y;
v.y = -temp;
hOzPoint2D *newPointA = [[hOzPoint2D alloc] init];
[newPointA setX:([[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointB] x] - v.x * shift)];
[newPointA setY:([[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointB] y] - v.y * shift)];
hOzPoint2D *newPointB = [[hOzPoint2D alloc] init];
[newPointB setX:([[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointA] x] - v.x * shift)];
[newPointB setY:([[[edges objectAtIndex:j] pointA] y] - v.y * shift)];
[tempEdgesLeft addObject:[hOzEdge2D edge2DWithPointA:newPointA pointB:newPointB]];
// Add the static points and the intersection points to a points array that will define your polygon
[tempPolyPoints addObject:[[tempEdgesRight objectAtIndex:0] pointA]]; // The first point of the right array
for (int k = 0; k < [tempEdgesRight count] - 1; k++) {
// For this function, see the link below in the answer
hOzPoint2D *inter = [[tempEdgesRight objectAtIndex:k] getIntersectionWithStraight:[tempEdgesRight objectAtIndex:k+1]];
if (inter == nil) { // if the edges are parallel, we insert a known point
[tempPolyPoints addObject:[[tempEdgesRight objectAtIndex:k] pointB]];
} else {
[tempPolyPoints addObject:inter];
[tempPolyPoints addObject:[[tempEdgesRight lastObject] pointB]]; // The last point of the right array
[tempPolyPoints addObject:[[tempEdgesLeft objectAtIndex:0] pointA]];
// Then the left array, same thing
for (int k = 0; k < [tempEdgesLeft count] - 1; k++) {
hOzPoint2D *inter = [[tempEdgesLeft objectAtIndex:k] getIntersectionWithStraight:[tempEdgesLeft objectAtIndex:k+1]];
if (inter == nil) {
[tempPolyPoints addObject:[[tempEdgesLeft objectAtIndex:k] pointB]];
} else {
[tempPolyPoints addObject:inter];
[tempPolyPoints addObject:[[tempEdgesLeft lastObject] pointB]];
// Create your polygon with this new ordered points array.
hOzPolygon2D *poly = [hOzPolygon2D polygon2DWithArrayOfPoints:tempPolyPoints];
return poly;
以下是交点的一些解释,使用 C 代码:http ://alienryderflex.com/intersect/