以下面的代码片段为例,创建套接字、侦听和接受新套接字都可以正常工作。非阻塞模式也可以工作,但是 pselect(甚至用 select 替换)没有识别 FDset 上准备好的任何 IO 请求。所以返回值总是0(超时)。

我想知道在进入 pselect() 之前是否需要进一步设置任何其他内容,以便它识别 IO 活动。

 // Create the socket
        *m_pSockFD = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if( *this->m_pSockFD == -1 ){
            throw ....

        // Set the socket address information
        m_pSockAddr->sin_family = AF_INET;
        m_pSockAddr->sin_port =  htons( 6001 );
        m_pSockAddr->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

        if( bind(*m_pSockFD, (struct sockaddr *) m_pSockAddr, sizeof(*m_pSockAddr) ) != 0 ){

        // Listen on this socket using a block queue of 5 - default Block Size
        if( listen( *m_pSockFD, 5) != 0 )

        // change function control to non blocking file descritor for I/O operations
        long fcntlArg;
        if( (fcntlArg = fcntl( *m_pSockFD, F_GETFL, NULL ) ) < 0 ){

        fcntlArg |= O_NONBLOCK;
        if( fcntl( *m_pSockFD, F_SETFL, fcntlArg ) <0 ){


        int newFD = -1;
        socklen_t salen = sizeof(*m_pSockAddr);

        // loop selecting for a I/O operation ready on the file descriptor then go into accept mode
        struct timespec timeOut;
        timeOut.tv_sec = 1;
        timeOut.tv_nsec = 0;

        fd_set fdset;
        FD_SET( *this->m_pSockFD, &fdset );

        while( !m_bShutDownFinished ){

            // TODO pselect is not registering the activity on the socket
            if( pselect( *this->m_pSockFD, &fdset, NULL , NULL , &timeOut,  NULL ) > 0 ){
                cout << "hello client" << endl;

            // re-initialize the time struct
            timeOut.tv_sec = 1;
            timeOut.tv_nsec = 0;

        // application is shutting down do not try to accept a new socket
        if( m_bShutDownFinished ) return -1;

        newFD = accept(*m_pSockFD, (struct sockaddr *) m_pSockAddr, &salen);
        if( newFD > -1 ){

        return newFD;

2 回答 2


您必须在每次调用之前重新初始化 fdset 参数select()

readfdswritefds和中的每exceptfds一个都是输入/输出参数。在返回时,它们已被修改为仅用于 fds,它们分别是可读的、可写的或具有某种异常情况的。

for (;;) {
    fd_set rfds;
    FD_SET(sock, &rfds);
    /* code to set up timeout omitted */
    n = select(sock + 1, &rfds, 0, 0, &timeout);
    /* check n, and if sock is present in rfds */

按照您编写代码的方式,只有在第一次调用pselect(). 此外,鉴于您没有使用 的sigmask参数pselect(),您不妨调用select().

于 2009-02-19T05:32:20.903 回答

pselect 的第一个参数应该是*this->m_pSockFD + 1,不是吗?

于 2009-02-19T03:59:29.770 回答