我被分配了从一个看起来像这样的 txt 文件中读取模拟进程的任务。
ID: 35; Arrival_Time: 0; Total_Exec_Time: 4;
ID: 65; Arrival_Time: 2; Total_Exec_Time: 6;
ID: 10; Arrival_Time: 3; Total_Exec_Time: 3;
ID: 124; Arrival_Time: 5; Total_Exec_Time: 5;
ID: 182; Arrival_Time: 6; Total_Exec_Time: 2;
我必须从(先到先得,最短过程接下来,最短剩余时间,循环 q=2)的选择中完成两个算法。我需要根据我选择的两种算法打印出当前时间和当时正在运行的进程。我已经成功完成了 FCFS。我的下一个方法是在 SRT 上,除了算法背后的逻辑存在一些严重问题。
我目前正在尝试一种迭代方法(在下面发布),它在一定程度上有效(直到当前时间 9),但我觉得这可能只是一个幸运的巧合。
注意:这是我第一次使用 shell 脚本,所以我的代码可能有点乱。我仍在尝试了解 KornShell (ksh)。
IFS=': \;'
while read -r f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
integer id[i]="$f2" #id array
integer at[i]="$f4" #arrival time array
integer et[i]="$f6" #exec time array
integer rt[i]=0 #run time so far
integer current[i]=i
done <"$file"
integer curr_index=0
integer currTime=0
let totalProcesses=${#at[@]}
let totalProcesses=totalProcesses-1
let totalRunTime=0
for x in ${et[@]}; do
let totalRunTime+=$x
scheduleTask () {
for y in ${current[@]}; do
if (( rt[$y] < et[$y] )); then
#if the program is not finished, keep going
if (( at[$y] < $currTime )); then
#if the program is in que, keep going
let diff=et[$y]-rt[$y]#not currently using
let currDiff=et[$curr_index]-rt[$curr_index] #not currently using
if (( et[$y] <= et[$curr_index] )); then #is this broken?
echo "${id[$y]} RAN ${rt[$y]} out of ${et[$y]} seconds"
unset current[$y]
for (( i = 0; i < $totalRunTime; i++ )); do
echo "================================="
scheduleTask $i
print "\t\tcurrent time: $i"
print "\t\t\tcurrent process: ${id[$curr_index]}"
echo "================================="
SRT 的正确输出应该是这样的。
current time: 0
current process: 35
current time: 1
current process: 35
current time: 2
current process: 35
current time: 3
current process: 35
current time: 4
current process: 10
current time: 5
current process: 10
current time: 6
current process: 10
current time: 7
current process: 182
current time: 8
current process: 182
current time: 9
current process: 124
current time: 10
current process: 124
current time: 11
current process: 124
current time: 12
current process: 124
current time: 13
current process: 124
current time: 14
current process: 65
current time: 15
current process: 65
current time: 16
current process: 65
current time: 17
current process: 65
current time: 18
current process: 65
current time: 19
current process: 65