我正在为我的毕业项目制作一个 2D 角色扮演游戏,并且我正处于想要随机生成我的地牢的地步。
经过大量研究,我发现 BSP 算法可以生成我想要的游戏地牢设计。我已按照链接中提供的教程逐步进行。我提供了我的脚本供您查看:
public class BoardManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject floorTile;
public GameObject corridorTile;
public int boardRows, boardColumns;
public int minRoomSize, maxRoomSize;
private GameObject[,] boardPositionsFloor;
public class SubDungeon {
public SubDungeon left, right;
public Rect rect;
public Rect room = new Rect(-1,-1, 0, 0); // i.e null
public int debugId;
private static int debugCounter = 0;
public List<Rect> corridors = new List<Rect>();
public SubDungeon(Rect mrect) {
rect = mrect;
debugId = debugCounter;
public bool IAmLeaf() {
return left == null && right == null;
public bool Split(int minRoomSize, int maxRoomSize) {
if (!IAmLeaf()) {
return false;
// choose a vertical or horizontal split depending on the proportions
// i.e. if too wide split vertically, or too long horizontally,
// or if nearly square choose vertical or horizontal at random
bool splitH;
if (rect.width / rect.height >= 1.25) {
splitH = false;
} else if (rect.height / rect.width >= 1.25) {
splitH = true;
} else {
splitH = Random.Range (0.0f, 1.0f) > 0.5;
if (Mathf.Min(rect.height, rect.width) / 2 < minRoomSize) {
Debug.Log ("Sub-dungeon " + debugId + " will be a leaf");
return false;
if (splitH) {
// split so that the resulting sub-dungeons widths are not too small
// (since we are splitting horizontally)
int split = Random.Range (minRoomSize, (int)(rect.width - minRoomSize));
left = new SubDungeon (new Rect (rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, split));
right = new SubDungeon (
new Rect (rect.x, rect.y + split, rect.width, rect.height - split));
else {
int split = Random.Range (minRoomSize, (int)(rect.height - minRoomSize));
left = new SubDungeon (new Rect (rect.x, rect.y, split, rect.height));
right = new SubDungeon (
new Rect (rect.x + split, rect.y, rect.width - split, rect.height));
return true;
public void CreateRoom() {
if (left != null) {
left.CreateRoom ();
if (right != null) {
right.CreateRoom ();
if (IAmLeaf()) {
int roomWidth = (int)Random.Range (rect.width / 2, rect.width - 2);
int roomHeight = (int)Random.Range (rect.height / 2, rect.height - 2);
int roomX = (int)Random.Range (1, rect.width - roomWidth - 1);
int roomY = (int)Random.Range (1, rect.height - roomHeight - 1);
// room position will be absolute in the board, not relative to the sub-dungeon
room = new Rect (rect.x + roomX, rect.y + roomY, roomWidth, roomHeight);
Debug.Log ("Created room " + room + " in sub-dungeon " + debugId + " " + rect);
public Rect GetRoom() {
if (IAmLeaf()) {
return room;
if (left != null) {
Rect lroom = left.GetRoom ();
if (lroom.x != -1) {
return lroom;
if (right != null) {
Rect rroom = right.GetRoom ();
if (rroom.x != -1) {
return rroom;
// workaround non nullable structs
return new Rect (-1, -1, 0, 0);
public void CreateCorridorBetween(SubDungeon left, SubDungeon right) {
Rect lroom = left.GetRoom ();
Rect rroom = right.GetRoom ();
Debug.Log("Creating corridor(s) between " + left.debugId + "(" + lroom + ") and " + right.debugId + " (" + rroom + ")");
Debug.Log ("hello");
// attach the corridor to a random point in each room
Vector2 lpoint = new Vector2 ((int)Random.Range (lroom.x + 1, lroom.xMax - 1), (int)Random.Range (lroom.y + 1, lroom.yMax - 1));
Vector2 rpoint = new Vector2 ((int)Random.Range (rroom.x + 1, rroom.xMax - 1), (int)Random.Range (rroom.y + 1, rroom.yMax - 1));
// always be sure that left point is on the left to simplify the code
if (lpoint.x > rpoint.x) {
Vector2 temp = lpoint;
lpoint = rpoint;
rpoint = temp;
int w = (int)(lpoint.x - rpoint.x);
int h = (int)(lpoint.y - rpoint.y);
Debug.Log ("lpoint: " + lpoint + ", rpoint: " + rpoint + ", w: " + w + ", h: " + h);
// if the points are not aligned horizontally
if (w != 0) {
// choose at random to go horizontal then vertical or the opposite
if (Random.Range (0, 1) > 2) {
// add a corridor to the right
corridors.Add (new Rect (lpoint.x, lpoint.y, Mathf.Abs (w) + 1, 1));
// if left point is below right point go up
// otherwise go down
if (h < 0) {
corridors.Add (new Rect (rpoint.x, lpoint.y, 1, Mathf.Abs (h)));
} else {
corridors.Add (new Rect (rpoint.x, lpoint.y, 1, -Mathf.Abs (h)));
} else {
// go up or down
if (h < 0) {
corridors.Add (new Rect (lpoint.x, lpoint.y, 1, Mathf.Abs (h)));
} else {
corridors.Add (new Rect (lpoint.x, rpoint.y, 1, Mathf.Abs (h)));
// then go right
corridors.Add (new Rect (lpoint.x, rpoint.y, Mathf.Abs (w) + 1, 1));
} else {
// if the points are aligned horizontally
// go up or down depending on the positions
if (h < 0) {
corridors.Add (new Rect ((int)lpoint.x, (int)lpoint.y, 1, Mathf.Abs (h)));
} else {
corridors.Add (new Rect ((int)rpoint.x, (int)rpoint.y, 1, Mathf.Abs (h)));
Debug.Log ("Corridors: ");
foreach (Rect corridor in corridors) {
Debug.Log ("corridor: " + corridor);
public void CreateBSP(SubDungeon subDungeon) {
Debug.Log ("Splitting sub-dungeon " + subDungeon.debugId + ": " + subDungeon.rect);
if (subDungeon.IAmLeaf()) {
// if the sub-dungeon is too large
if (subDungeon.rect.width > maxRoomSize
|| subDungeon.rect.height > maxRoomSize
|| Random.Range(0.0f,1.0f) > 0.25) {
if (subDungeon.Split (minRoomSize, maxRoomSize)) {
Debug.Log ("Splitted sub-dungeon " + subDungeon.debugId + " in "
+ subDungeon.left.debugId + ": " + subDungeon.left.rect + ", "
+ subDungeon.right.debugId + ": " + subDungeon.right.rect);
public void DrawRooms(SubDungeon subDungeon) {
if (subDungeon == null) {
if (subDungeon.IAmLeaf()) {
for (int i = (int)subDungeon.room.x; i < subDungeon.room.xMax; i++) {
for (int j = (int)subDungeon.room.y; j < subDungeon.room.yMax; j++) {
GameObject instance = Instantiate (floorTile, new Vector3 (i, j, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
instance.transform.SetParent (transform);
boardPositionsFloor [i, j] = instance;
} else {
DrawRooms (subDungeon.left);
DrawRooms (subDungeon.right);
void DrawCorridors(SubDungeon subDungeon) {
if (subDungeon == null) {
DrawCorridors (subDungeon.left);
DrawCorridors (subDungeon.right);
foreach (Rect corridor in subDungeon.corridors) {
for (int i = (int)corridor.x; i < corridor.xMax; i++) {
for (int j = (int)corridor.y; j < corridor.yMax; j++) {
if (boardPositionsFloor [i, j] == null) {
GameObject instance = Instantiate (corridorTile, new Vector3 (i, j, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
instance.transform.SetParent (transform);
boardPositionsFloor [i, j] = instance;
void Start () {
SubDungeon rootSubDungeon = new SubDungeon (new Rect (0, 0, boardRows, boardColumns));
CreateBSP (rootSubDungeon);
rootSubDungeon.CreateRoom ();
boardPositionsFloor = new GameObject[boardRows, boardColumns];
DrawCorridors (rootSubDungeon);
DrawRooms (rootSubDungeon);
房间正在完美创建,没有错误消息。我注意到 CreateCorridorBetween 没有被从任何地方调用,即使是在作者的博客上;因此,没有创建走廊。如何在我的代码中调用它?