我已成功重定向到 ccavenue 支付网关,但在单击取消按钮时,它在重定向 url 页面中显示错误“安全错误。检测到非法访问” 。
<?php include('Aes.php');include('adler32.php')?>
$workingKey='myWorkingKey'; //Working Key should be provided here.
$encResponse=$_POST["encResponse"]; //This is the response sent by the CCAvenue Server
$decryptValues=explode('&', $rcvdString);
echo "<center>";
for($i = 0; $i < $dataSize; $i++)
if($i==0) $MerchantId=$information[1];
if($i==1) $OrderId=$information[1];
if($i==2) $Amount=$information[1];
if($i==3) $AuthDesc=$information[1];
if($i==4) $Checksum=$information[1];
$veriChecksum=verifyChecksum(genchecksum($rcvdString), $Checksum);
if($veriChecksum==TRUE && $AuthDesc==="Y")
echo "<br>Thank you for shopping with us. Your credit card has been charged and your transaction is successful. We will be shipping your order to you soon.";
else if($veriChecksum==TRUE && $AuthDesc==="B")
echo "<br>Thank you for shopping with us.We will keep you posted regarding the status of your order through e-mail";
else if($veriChecksum==TRUE && $AuthDesc==="N")
echo "<br>Thank you for shopping with us.However,the transaction has been declined.";
echo "<br>Security Error. Illegal access detected";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<table cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4>";
for($i = 0; $i < $dataSize; $i++)
echo '<tr><td>'.$information[0].'</td><td>'.$information[1].'</td></tr>';
echo "</table><br>";
echo "</center>";