我正在寻找学习AutoCAD。我在网上找到了几个与 2006 AutoCAD 相关的视频 - 但是任何版本都有区别。我看到了要求了解 AutoCAD 2008 的招聘信息——如果我只知道 2011 甚至 2010 会发生什么。我可以使用 2008 吗?这些版本或年份有区别吗?
2 回答
If I recall correctly 2006 was still a version without the ribbon interface. In any case, the most significant change in user interface in the recent years was exactly that - caused quite a bit of stir when it was first introduced, and many drafters still switch to "old" toolbar.
As far as changes go, yes, there are quite a few. But as Asheville said, they more relate to some advanced features of the software, which at this time you will probably not be using. My advice would be to start with some of the newer versions ("the ribbon" ones) and adjust yourself to it. After you've grasped the fundamentals, and found your way around, and wish to expand your knowledge in a more systematic way (although we all know this almost never works :) I would go to one of the either; "Autocad xxxx Bible", or "Mastering Autocad xxxx" books where xxxx signifies the version. They are quite heavy (figuratively and literally) and you can skim through as you progress. Most of the things in there you probably won't need, unless you find yourself working in a large draft office which has it's own way of organizing data, drawing styles, ...
Autocad forums are also a good place to ask questions (search first !) ... the community there is quite helpful.
AutoCAD 很像 Windows……它们有主要版本和次要版本,所以从 2006 年到 2007 年的变化是一个重大变化。他们每隔几年左右推出一个主要版本。不过,这仅取决于您在做什么。如果你必须画一条线,那就是画一条线,从一个版本到另一个版本并没有太大变化。一些公司使用软件的“功能”,但很多公司没有。我的建议:在此处获得 Autodesk 大学的帐户并点击在线课程。寻找一些基本的 AutoCAD 类。它将真正帮助您了解软件以及从一个版本到另一个版本所做的更改。另外:如果你接受 CAD 工作的面试,他们可能会给你一个测试……通常它只是从一张纸上用 CAD 画一些东西。我有其中一个,我必须使用称为 Architectural Desktop 的 AutoCAD 版本。我以前从未见过 Architectural Desktop,所以我问面试我的人,“我从哪里开始?” 他向我展示了如何开始,我实际上得到了这份工作。那是 7 年前的事了,今天我还在为那家公司工作。使用免费教程熟悉该软件,但不要被它吓倒。如果您在面试中达到测试,请尽力而为,不要'