I'm new to lisp (i'm experimenting with sbcl and ccl), i came across the use of car
and cdr
that can be chained arbitrarily within a single function call like (caddr)
I was wandering how one would write functions that behave like this...
Say for example i'd like my-eval
to eval the input s-exp 3 times if i invoke it like (my-evaaal '(+ 2 1))
I've hacked my way around with a macro like
(my-ev $$$$ '(...)) where the behavior is dictated by the number of '$' in the first argument by transforming it into char sequence (coerce (symbol-name x) 'list)
and the evaluate and recurse until the list is nil...
basic need:
;; if
(defvar *foo* 1)
(eval '*foo*) ;; => 1
(eval ''*foo*) ;; => *foo*
(eval '''*foo*) ;; => '*foo*
;; then
(eval (eval (eval '''*foo*))) ;; => 1
desired syntax
(my-eval '''*foo*) ;; => '*foo*
(my-evaal '''*foo*) ;; => *foo*
(my-evaaal '''foo) ;; => 1