我有一个 DLL,它将所有信息异步返回给多个事件处理程序。当我按下一个按钮时,我会调用 DLL 中的一系列函数,但在前一个函数触发事件处理程序之前,不应调用下一个函数。

Button_Click_Handler() {
  LCV.Load() // Returns immediately, Fires OnLoaded or OnError when done.
  // Pause execution here and wait the for OnLoaded or OnError event to fire.
  LCV.Read() // Returns immediately, Fires OnCard Or OnError when done.
  // Pause execution here and wait the for OnCard or OnError event to fire.
  LCV.Put(x) // Returns immediately, Fires OnPut Or OnError when done.
  // Pause execution here and wait the for OnPut or OnError event to fire.



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