我有一个与波音 OSMnx 教程 8 - 街道网络中心性分析有关的两部分问题。首先,我有一个关于边缘接近中心性的知识问题,然后是一个关于边缘中介中心性的基于代码的问题。我的目的是计算不同位置的车站周围的边缘接近度和中介中心度。
1. 边缘接近中心性
# edge closeness centrality: convert graph to a line graph so edges become nodes and vice versa
edge_centrality = nx.closeness_centrality(nx.line_graph(G))
# list of edge values for the original graph
ev = [edge_centrality[edge + (0,)] for edge in G.edges()]
# color scale converted to list of colors for graph edges
norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=min(ev)*0.8, vmax=max(ev))
cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cm.inferno)
ec = [cmap.to_rgba(cl) for cl in ev]
问题:谁能解释为什么在归一化代码中最小边缘值乘以 0.8 而最大值设置为最大边缘值?我对文献不太熟悉,所以任何建议都将不胜感激。
2. 边缘中介中心性
# edge betweenness centrality
edge_bcentrality = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(G)
# list of edge values for the orginal graph
ev1 = [edge_bcentrality[edge + (0,)] for edge in G.edges()]
# color scale converted to list of colors for graph edges
norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=min(ev1)*0.8, vmax=max(ev1))
cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cm.inferno)
ec = [cmap.to_rgba(cl) for cl in ev1]
# color the edges in the original graph with betweeness centralities in the line graph
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G, bgcolor='k', axis_off=True, node_size=0, node_color='w', node_edgecolor='gray', node_zorder=2,
edge_color=ec, edge_linewidth=1.5, edge_alpha=1)
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-6ee1d322067c> in <module>()
1 # list of edge values for the orginal graph
----> 2 ev1 = [edge_bcentrality[edge + (0,)] for edge in G.edges()]
4 # color scale converted to list of colors for graph edges
5 norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=min(ev)*0.8, vmax=max(ev))
KeyError: (53090322, 53082634, 0)