我有一个让我发疯的小问题,我正在从 mysql 数据库中检索记录并显示这些记录,在每条记录下应该有一个倒计时 javascript 时钟,它从 mysql 中获取值它只适用于第一条记录和其他记录只有 text ,这里是 HTML , PHP 和 JS :

    <? echo $row['Device Name']; ?>
    <? $Remain = $row['Remaining Time']; ?>
    <font color="red" size="6"><span id="countdown"> <? echo $Remain; ?></span></font>
    <img src="img/stop.png" /> 

<script type="text/javascript">

    // Initialize clock countdowns by using the total seconds in the elements tag

   secs       =  parseInt(document.getElementById('countdowno').innerHTML,10);
   setTimeout("countdown('countdowno',"+secs+")", 1000);

     * Countdown function
     * Clock count downs to 0:00 then hides the element holding the clock
     * @param id Element ID of clock placeholder
     * @param timer Total seconds to display clock
    function countdown(id, timer){
        minRemain  = Math.floor(timer / 60);
        secsRemain = new String(timer - (minRemain * 60));
        // Pad the string with leading 0 if less than 2 chars long
        if (secsRemain.length < 2) {
            secsRemain = '0' + secsRemain;

        // String format the remaining time
        clock      = minRemain + ":" + secsRemain;
        document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = clock;
        if ( timer > 0 ) {
            // Time still remains, call this function again in 1 sec
            setTimeout("countdown('" + id + "'," + timer + ")", 1000);
        } else {
            // Time is out! Hide the countdown
            document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';


请帮助我能够使 js 计数器为每条记录工作谢谢


2 回答 2


HTML 元素的 id 应该是唯一的,如果您想通过一个名称选择所有想要的元素,则可以使用 class 代替。

<span id="countdown">


<span class="countdown">
于 2013-04-02T11:13:05.677 回答

问题是您将 idcountdown用于多个跨度,但每个人都必须有另一个唯一的 id,因此您可以指向每个。

<?php $id = uniqid(); /* create unique id for each row */ ?>
    <? echo $row['Device Name']; ?>
    <? $Remain = $row['Remaining Time']; ?>
    <font color="red" size="6"><span id="countdown_<?php echo $id; ?>"> <? echo $Remain; ?></span></font>
    <img src="img/stop.png" /> 

<script type="text/javascript">

    // Initialize clock countdowns by using the total seconds in the elements tag

   secs       =  parseInt(document.getElementById('countdown_<?php echo $id; ?>').innerHTML,10);
   setTimeout("countdown('countdown_<?php echo $id; ?>',"+secs+")", 1000);

     * Countdown function
     * Clock count downs to 0:00 then hides the element holding the clock
     * @param id Element ID of clock placeholder
     * @param timer Total seconds to display clock
    function countdown(id, timer){
        minRemain  = Math.floor(timer / 60);
        secsRemain = new String(timer - (minRemain * 60));
        // Pad the string with leading 0 if less than 2 chars long
        if (secsRemain.length < 2) {
            secsRemain = '0' + secsRemain;

        // String format the remaining time
        clock      = minRemain + ":" + secsRemain;
        document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = clock;
        if ( timer > 0 ) {
            // Time still remains, call this function again in 1 sec
            setTimeout("countdown('" + id + "'," + timer + ")", 1000);
        } else {
            // Time is out! Hide the countdown
            document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';



于 2013-04-02T11:18:18.023 回答