我正在处理 3.x 中编写游戏,我正在尝试使用 SelectInput(); 一种加载不同游戏保存文件的方法。但是,我不断收到无法修复的 NullPointer 异常。我一直尝试在 loadGame 函数之前运行 SelectInput 函数,但程序还是崩溃了。目前,在下面的代码中,程序在读取为 'columns=splitTokens(rows[1]);' 的行处出错
PImage tile1;
PImage tile2;
PImage tile3;
PImage tile4;
PImage tile5;
PImage tile6;
PImage tile7;
PImage tile8;
String input;
String rows[];
String columns[];
int array2D[][];
boolean gameLoaded = false;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
tile1 = loadImage("grass0.png");
tile2 = loadImage("grass1.png");
tile3 = loadImage("grass2.png");
tile4 = loadImage("tile1.png");
tile5 = loadImage("tile2.png");
tile6 = loadImage("tree.png");
tile7 = loadImage("tree2.png");
tile8 = loadImage("tile2.png");
selectInput("Select a file to process:", "fileSelected");
if (gameLoaded == false) {
//selectInput("Select a file to process:", "fileSelected");
gameLoaded = true;
void draw() {
if (gameLoaded == true) {
for (int a = 0; a < rows.length; a++) {
for (int b = 0; b < columns.length; b++) {
if (array2D[a][b] == 1) {
image(tile1, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 2) {
image(tile2, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 3) {
image(tile3, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 4) {
image(tile4, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 5) {
image(tile5, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 6) {
image(tile6, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 7) {
image(tile7, a * 100, b * 100);
if (array2D[a][b] == 8) {
image(tile8, a * 100, b * 100);
void loadGame() {
rows = loadStrings(input);
columns = splitTokens(rows[1]);
array2D = new int[rows.length][columns.length];
println("There are " + rows.length + " rows");
println("There are " + columns.length + " columns");
for (int a = 0; a < rows.length; a++) {
columns = splitTokens(rows[a]);
for (int b = 0; b < columns.length; b++) {
array2D[a][b] = Integer.parseInt(columns[b]);
void fileSelelected(File selection) {
if (selection == null) {
println("Nothing was selected, so nothing happens");
} else {
input = selection.getAbsolutePath();