My desired output is both an (1) MSWord and (2) PDF document, both with (a) in-text citations, (b) citations in some footnotes/endnotes, (c) chapter bibliographies, and (d) cumulative bibliography, (a)-(d) according to the .csl file, Springer - Humanities (author-date).

My tools are: .Rmd files, bookdown, LibreOffice, Zotero.

My problem:

  • IF(MSWord output) {NO chapter bibliographies}
  • IF(PDF output AND chapter bibliographies) {citation_package: natbib OR citation_package: biblatex}
  • IF(PDF output AND .csl file) {citation_package: none}
  • I hope to avoid breaking the book into separate bookdown projects for each chapter---this is annoying manual work and some chapters build R objects that are used in subsequent chapters (so it would be required rewriting code and caching things, etc.).

Attempted solutions:


  • The PDF output will be considered a reference document, thus solving the MSWord document problem is the priority (which may involve manually copying and pasting from the PDF output).
  • Technically, I'm also using the documentclass: svmono (where author/svmono.cls is here: Springer LaTeX2e macro packages for monographs and no "Humanities" .bst file is offered)

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