我将假设您实际上想要一个 EMST,正如您的标题所暗示的那样,TSP 只是达到此目的的一种手段,而不是实际目标本身。两者有非常不同的限制(TSP 的限制要大得多),因此有非常不同的最佳解决方案。
这个想法是我们想要运行一个修改过的 kruskal 算法,它将利用 kd 树来找到最接近的对,而无需评估每个潜在的边缘。我们可以找到连接组件中每个顶点的最短边,取最短的整体,并通过该边连接我们的连接组件。正如您将看到的,每次迭代都会连接至少一半的连接组件,因此最多需要logn
为了构建 EMST,您需要使用数据结构来查询 4D 空间中的最近邻。您可以扩展八叉树以在更高维度上工作,但我个人会使用 kd 树。O(nlogn)
一旦你建立了一个 kd 树,你会想要查询每个点的最近邻居。然后我们将在这两个顶点之间构建边。其中许多边将被复制,至于某些顶点A
. 我们将通过存储每个顶点所属的连接组件来处理这个问题,并且在两个顶点被一条边连接后,重复边将清楚地连接同一连接组件的两个顶点,因此我们将丢弃它。为了实现这一点,我们将使用一个不相交集(就像在 kruskal 算法的许多实现中一样)为每个顶点分配一个连通分量。这也将阻止我们在图中创建循环,这会在 MST 中引入不必要的边。
然而,当我们构造每条边时,我们希望在检查哪些边要保留以及哪些边连接已经连接的顶点之前将其插入到最小堆优先级队列中。这不会影响第一次迭代的结果,但稍后我们将需要通过增加距离来处理边缘。然后将所有边出列,通过不相交集检查不必要/冗余的边,将有效边插入 MST,并合并各自的不相交集。当然,所有这些都引入了一个nlogn
在添加边的第一次迭代之后,我们将连接至少一半的 MST,也许更多。这是因为我们为每个顶点添加了一条边,并且每条边最多可以有一个副本,所以我们添加了一些作为vertices / 2
边,但多达vertices - 1
. 现在,我们的 MST 至少已经建成了 1/2。我们将按照以下段落中的描述继续该过程,直到我们vertices - 1
推广 NN 搜索
To continue, we'll want to construct lists of the vertices in each connected component, so that we can iterate over them by groups. This can be done in nearly linear time, as searching (also merging) a disjoint-set takes O(α(n))
time (α
being the inverse ackermann function) and we repeat exactly n
times. Once we have our lists of vertices per connected component, the rest is fairly straightforward. We'll take our existing k-d tree, and remove all the vertices in our current connected component. We'll then query for the nearest neighbor to each vertex to each vertex in our connected component, and add these edges to our min-heap. We'll then add these vertices back into the k-d tree, and repeat on the next connected component. Since we insert/remove a total of n
elements, this amounts to an average case O(nlogn)
time complexity.
Now that we have a queue of the shortest potential edges connecting our connected components, we'll dequeue these in order, and just as before insert valid edges and merge the disjoint sets. For the same reasons as before, this is guaranteed to connect at least half of our components, maybe even all of them. We'll repeat this process until we have connected all vertices into a single connected component, which will be our MST. Note that because we halve the number of disconnected components each iteration, it'll take at most O(logn)
iterations to connect every vertex in our MST (most likely far less).
Overall, this will take O(nlog^2(n))
time. There will likely be far less than log(n)
iterations however, so expect a speedup there in practice. Also note that R-tree might be a good alternative to the k-d tree- I don't know how they compare in practice however.