I'm making a dialogflow agent that will be integrated with various platforms (Facebook messenger, slack and maybe a few others) that will have the basic functions of a informational chatbot.

The agent will be for a specific store and I'm wondering if it's possible to trigger some sort of welcome message once the user enters the geofence (in this case, the store)?

Thanks for the help. I haven't found any documentation for this on dialogflow specifically or anywhere else so anything will be awesome.

Note: I'm am not by any means dead set of dialogflow, if AWS Lex offers something like this and it's better, I will take a look. I'm just a bit more used to dialogflow.


1 回答 1


这不能仅通过使用 Lex 或 Dialogflow 来实现。因为归根结底,您正在使用它们与 Messenger/Slack/Whatsapp 集成,而这些应用程序(出于明显的充分理由)不会与机器人共享用户的位置信息。您将需要一个帮助应用程序,该应用程序也需要用户的位置权限并为您触发机器人。

请记住,像 Messenger 和 Whatsapp 这样的渠道对向用户发送消息有限制。Messenger 有'24+1' 政策Whatsapp 你也只能在 24 小时窗口内发送自由形式的消息。但在那之后,您可以发送收费的预先批准的“hsm”消息模板。

于 2019-04-06T19:19:41.723 回答