所以我有这段代码,它是使用航路点让敌人上下移动,它确实有效,但是由于一个奇怪的原因,在航路点之间进行了一些循环之后,它一直到通过顶部航路点的无限远(wp0) ,为什么会这样???我一直在玩弄代码,但没有得到适当的行为。
该代码适用于具有运动刚体的 NPC,它“漂浮”在空中,并且可以像马里奥兄弟游戏中的飞行 koopas 一样上下飞行......
public GameObject[] myWaypoints;
float direction = 1f; //1 up, 0 stop. -1 down.
int _myWaypointIndex = 0; // used as index for My_Waypoints
float _moveTime;
float _vx = 0f;
bool _moving = true;
public float waitAtWaypointTime = 1f; // how long to wait at a waypoint
public bool loopWaypoints = true; // should it loop through the waypoints
void EnemyMovement()
// if there isn't anything in My_Waypoints
if ((myWaypoints.Length != 0) && (_moving))
// make sure the enemy is facing the waypoint (based on previous movement)
// determine distance between waypoint and enemy
_vx = myWaypoints[_myWaypointIndex].transform.position.y - _transform.position.y;
direction = Mathf.Sign(myWaypoints[_myWaypointIndex].transform.position.y);
Debug.Log("Direction = " + direction);
// if the enemy is close enough to waypoint, make it's new target the next waypoint
if (Mathf.Abs(_vx) <= 0.05f)
Debug.Log("changin to the next waypoint");
// At waypoint so stop moving
_rigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
// increment to next index in array
Debug.Log("_myWaypointIndex = " + _myWaypointIndex);
Debug.Log("Length = " + myWaypoints.Length);
direction *= -1;
Debug.Log("New Direction = " + direction);
// reset waypoint back to 0 for looping
if (_myWaypointIndex >= myWaypoints.Length)
if (loopWaypoints)
_myWaypointIndex = 0;
_moving = false;
// setup wait time at current waypoint
_moveTime = Time.time + waitAtWaypointTime;
// enemy is moving
_animator.SetBool("Moving", true);
// Set the enemy's velocity to moveSpeed in the y direction.
_rigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, _transform.localScale.y * moveSpeed * direction);