
 1. Initialize current as root
 2. While current is not NULL
  If current does not have left child     
   a. Print current’s data
   b. Go to the right, i.e., current = current->right
   a. In current's left subtree, make current the right child of the rightmost node
   b. Go to this left child, i.e., current = current->left

我了解树的修改方式是,current node是in并使用此属性进行中序遍历。但除此之外,我迷路了。right childmax noderight subtree

编辑:找到这个随附的 c++ 代码。我很难理解树在修改后是如何恢复的。神奇之处在于else子句,一旦右叶被修改,就会被击中。详情见代码:

/* Function to traverse binary tree without recursion and
   without stack */
void MorrisTraversal(struct tNode *root)
  struct tNode *current,*pre;

  if(root == NULL)

  current = root;
  while(current != NULL)
    if(current->left == NULL)
      printf(" %d ", current->data);
      current = current->right;
      /* Find the inorder predecessor of current */
      pre = current->left;
      while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != current)
        pre = pre->right;

      /* Make current as right child of its inorder predecessor */
      if(pre->right == NULL)
        pre->right = current;
        current = current->left;

     // MAGIC OF RESTORING the Tree happens here: 
      /* Revert the changes made in if part to restore the original
        tree i.e., fix the right child of predecssor */
        pre->right = NULL;
        printf(" %d ",current->data);
        current = current->right;
      } /* End of if condition pre->right == NULL */
    } /* End of if condition current->left == NULL*/
  } /* End of while */

8 回答 8



   /   \
  Y     Z
 / \   / \
A   B C   D

首先,X是根,所以它被初始化为currentX有一个左孩子,因此X成为 的左子树的最右孩子——中序遍历中X的直接前身。X所以X被设为 的右孩子B,然后current被设置为Y。树现在看起来像这样:

   / \
  A   B
       / \
     (Y)  Z
         / \
        C   D

(Y)以上是指Y及其所有子代,由于递归问题而被省略。无论如何,重要的部分都列出来了。现在树有一个返回 X 的链接,遍历继续......

  / \
(A)  B
      / \
    (Y)  Z
        / \
       C   D

thenA被输出,因为它没有左孩子,并current返回到Y,它A在之前的迭代中是 的右孩子。在下一次迭代中,Y 有两个孩子。然而,循环的双重条件使它在到达自身时停止,这表明它的左子树已经被遍历。因此,它打印自己,并继续其右子树,即B.

B打印自己,然后current变成X,它经过与之前相同的检查过程Y,也意识到它的左子树已被遍历,继续Z. 树的其余部分遵循相同的模式。


于 2011-03-31T21:31:46.017 回答

递归中序遍历是 : (in-order(left)->key->in-order(right))。(这类似于 DFS)

当我们进行 DFS 时,我们需要知道回溯到哪里(这就是我们通常保留堆栈的原因)。

当我们经过一个需要回溯到的父节点时 -> 我们找到了需要从中回溯的节点并更新其与父节点的链接。





如果我们刚刚回溯 -> 我们需要跟随右孩子(我们已经完成了左孩子)。

如何判断我们是否刚刚回溯?获取当前节点的前任并检查它是否有正确的链接(到该节点)。如果它有 - 比我们跟着它。删除链接以恢复树。

如果没有左链接 => 我们没有回溯,应该继续跟随左孩子。

这是我的 Java 代码(抱歉,它不是 C++)

public static <T> List<T> traverse(Node<T> bstRoot) {
    Node<T> current = bstRoot;
    List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Node<T> prev = null;
    while (current != null) {
        // 1. we backtracked here. follow the right link as we are done with left sub-tree (we do left, then right)
        if (weBacktrackedTo(current)) {
            assert prev != null;
            // 1.1 clean the backtracking link we created before
            prev.right = null;
            // 1.2 output this node's key (we backtrack from left -> we are finished with left sub-tree. we need to print this node and go to right sub-tree: inOrder(left)->key->inOrder(right)
            // 1.15 move to the right sub-tree (as we are done with left sub-tree).
            prev = current;
            current = current.right;
        // 2. we are still tracking -> going deep in the left
        else {
            // 15. reached sink (the leftmost element in current subtree) and need to backtrack
            if (needToBacktrack(current)) {
                // 15.1 return the leftmost element as it's the current min
                // 15.2 backtrack:
                prev = current;
                current = current.right;
            // 4. can go deeper -> go as deep as we can (this is like dfs!)
            else {
                // 4.1 set backtracking link for future use (this is one of parents)
                // 4.2 go deeper
                prev = current;
                current = current.left;
    return result;

private static <T> void setBacktrackLinkTo(Node<T> current) {
    Node<T> predecessor = getPredecessor(current);
    if (predecessor == null) return;
    predecessor.right = current;

private static boolean needToBacktrack(Node current) {
    return current.left == null;

private static <T> boolean weBacktrackedTo(Node<T> current) {
    Node<T> predecessor = getPredecessor(current);
    if (predecessor == null) return false;
    return predecessor.right == current;

private static <T> Node<T> getPredecessor(Node<T> current) {
    // predecessor of current is the rightmost element in left sub-tree
    Node<T> result = current.left;
    if (result == null) return null;
    while(result.right != null
            // this check is for the case when we have already found the predecessor and set the successor of it to point to current (through right link)
            && result.right != current) {
        result = result.right;
    return result;
于 2015-02-27T10:54:21.453 回答

我在这里为算法制作了动画: https ://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11GWAeUN0ckP7yjHrQkIB0WT9ZUhDBSa-WR0VsPU38fg/edit?usp=sharing


这应该有助于理解。蓝色圆圈是光标,每张幻灯片都是外部 while 循环的迭代。

这是 morris 遍历的代码(我从 geeks for geeks 复制并修改了它):

def MorrisTraversal(root):
    # Set cursor to root of binary tree
    cursor = root
    while cursor is not None:
        if cursor.left is None:
            cursor = cursor.right
            # Find the inorder predecessor of cursor
            pre = cursor.left
            while True:
                if pre.right is None:
                    pre.right = cursor
                    cursor = cursor.left
                if pre.right is cursor:
                    pre.right = None
                    cursor = cursor.right
                pre = pre.right
#And now for some tests. Try "pip3 install binarytree" to get the needed package which will visually display random binary trees
import binarytree as b
for _ in range(10):
    print("Example #",_)
于 2019-10-01T20:25:15.580 回答

我找到了一个很好的关于Morris Traversal的图解说明。


于 2020-01-15T18:31:11.050 回答
public static void morrisInOrder(Node root) {
        Node cur = root;
        Node pre;
        while (cur!=null){
            if (cur.left==null){
                cur = cur.right; // move to next right node
            else {  // has a left subtree
                pre = cur.left;
                while (pre.right!=null){  // find rightmost
                    pre = pre.right;
                pre.right = cur;  // put cur after the pre node
                Node temp = cur;  // store cur node
                cur = cur.left;  // move cur to the top of the new tree
                temp.left = null;   // original cur left be null, avoid infinite loops

我认为这段代码会更好理解,只需使用 null 以避免无限循环,不必使用魔法。它可以很容易地修改为预购。

于 2014-10-26T19:25:45.467 回答


node = root
while node != null
    if node.left == null
        visit the node
        node = node.right
        let pred_node be the inorder predecessor of node
        if pred_node.right == null /* create threading in the binary tree */
            pred_node.right = node
            node = node.left
        else         /* remove threading from the binary tree */
            pred_node.right = null 
            visit the node
            node = node.right

参考问题中的 C++ 代码,内部 while 循环查找当前节点的有序前驱。在标准二叉树中,前任的右孩子必须为空,而在线程版本中,右孩子必须指向当前节点。如果右孩子为空,则将其设置为当前节点,从而有效地创建线程,该线程用作返回点,否则必须存储,通常在堆栈上。如果右子树为空,则算法确保恢复原始树,然后继续遍历右子树(在这种情况下,知道访问了左子树)。

于 2014-07-04T21:32:31.523 回答

Python 解决方案时间复杂度:O(n) 空间复杂度:O(1)


class Solution(object):
def inorderTraversal(self, current):
    soln = []
    while(current is not None):    #This Means we have reached Right Most Node i.e end of LDR traversal

        if(current.left is not None):  #If Left Exists traverse Left First
            pre = current.left   #Goal is to find the node which will be just before the current node i.e predecessor of current node, let's say current is D in LDR goal is to find L here
            while(pre.right is not None and pre.right != current ): #Find predecesor here
                pre = pre.right
            if(pre.right is None):  #In this case predecessor is found , now link this predecessor to current so that there is a path and current is not lost
                pre.right = current
                current = current.left
            else:                   #This means we have traverse all nodes left to current so in LDR traversal of L is done
                pre.right = None       #Remove the link tree restored to original here 
                current = current.right
        else:               #In LDR  LD traversal is done move to R  
            current = current.right

    return soln
于 2020-04-06T16:02:36.070 回答

莫里斯中序遍历的 PFB 解释。

  public class TreeNode
        public int val;
        public TreeNode left;
        public TreeNode right;

        public TreeNode(int val = 0, TreeNode left = null, TreeNode right = null)
            this.val = val;
            this.left = left;
            this.right = right;

    class MorrisTraversal
        public static IList<int> InOrderTraversal(TreeNode root)
            IList<int> list = new List<int>();
            var current = root;
            while (current != null)
                //When there exist no left subtree
                if (current.left == null)
                    current = current.right;
                    //Get Inorder Predecessor
                    //In Order Predecessor is the node which will be printed before
                    //the current node when the tree is printed in inorder.
                    //Example:- {1,2,3,4} is inorder of the tree so inorder predecessor of 2 is node having value 1
                    var inOrderPredecessorNode = GetInorderPredecessor(current);
                    //If the current Predeccessor right is the current node it means is already printed.
                    //So we need to break the thread.
                    if (inOrderPredecessorNode.right != current)
                        inOrderPredecessorNode.right = null;
                        current = current.right;
                    }//Creating thread of the current node with in order predecessor.
                        inOrderPredecessorNode.right = current;
                        current = current.left;

            return list;

        private static TreeNode GetInorderPredecessor(TreeNode current)
            var inOrderPredecessorNode = current.left;
            //Finding Extreme right node of the left subtree
            //inOrderPredecessorNode.right != current check is added to detect loop
            while (inOrderPredecessorNode.right != null && inOrderPredecessorNode.right != current)
                inOrderPredecessorNode = inOrderPredecessorNode.right;

            return inOrderPredecessorNode;
于 2020-04-30T06:22:23.980 回答