需要设置一个 Enterprise QuickSight 帐户才能连接到私有 VPC。常规 QuickSight 帐户期望端点是公开可用的。虽然无服务器端点不是。
限制:https ://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html
先决条件:企业 QuickSight 帐户、Aurora Serverless 集群,并确保您的集群在创建连接时具有活动容量单位。
Step 1: In QuickSight, choose your profile icon at the top right of the screen, then choose "Manage QuickSight". From the menu at left, choose "Manage VPC connections".
Step 2: Choose "Add VPC connection" to add a new VPC connection.
Step 3: For "VPC connection name", type a unique descriptive name. This name doesn't need to be an actual VPC ID or name.
Step 4: Type the subnet ID for Subnet ID, and type the group ID for Security group ID. Make sure that the subnet and the security group are in the same VPC. Also, make sure you are accessing a VPC that is in the same AWS Region where you are creating Amazon QuickSight analyses. You can't use Amazon QuickSight in one AWS Region to connect to a subnet and security group that are in a different AWS Region.
Important note: Please make sure the Security group you use for the VPC connection has access to the Security group used by your Aurora Serverless cluster and vice versa.
Step 5: Review your choices, then choose "Create".
Step 6: Create a new Aurora Data source
Step 7: For the "Connection Type" option choose your newly created VPC connection from the drop down.
Step 8 Fill out the rest of the details on for the connection and click "Create Data Source".
您现在应该能够选择要在分析中使用的表或编写自定义 SQL 查询来获取数据。