我正在 Coursera 上学习名为 NandtoTetr​​is 的计算机体系结构课程,并且一直在为我的 16 位 CPU 设计而苦苦挣扎。该课程使用一种称为 HDL 的语言,这是一种非常简单的类似 Verilog 的语言。

我花了很多时间尝试根据下图迭代我的​​ CPU 设计,但我不明白我做错了什么。我尽力代表获取和执行机制。有人对如何解决这个问题有任何建议吗?


CPU IO高层图: 在此处输入图像描述

门级CPU图: 在此处输入图像描述

控制指令语法: 在此处输入图像描述


    // Put your code here:

    // Instruction decoding:from i of “ixxaccccccdddjjj” 
    // Ainstruction: Instruction is 16-bit value of the constant that should be loaded into the A register
    // C-instruction: The a- and c-bits code comp part, d- and j-bits code dest and jump(x-bits are ignored). 
    Mux16(a=outM, b=instruction, sel=instruction[15], out=aMUX); // 0 for A-instruction or 1 for a C-instruction  
    Not(in=instruction[15], out=aInst); // assert A instruction with op-code as true 
    And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[5], out=cInst); // assert wite-to-A-C-instruction with op code AND d1-bit
    Or(a=aInst, b=cInst, out=aMuxload); // assert Ainstruction or wite-to-A-C-instruction is true
    ARegister(in=aMUX, load=cInst, out=addressM); // load Ainstruction or wite-to-A-C-instruction 

    //  For C-instruction, a-bit determines if ALU will operate on A register input (0) vs M input (1)
    And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[12], out=Aselector); // assert that c instruction AND a-bit 
    Mux16(a=addressM, b=inM, sel=Aselector, out=aluMUX); // select A=0 or A=1           
    ALU(x=DregisterOut, y=aluMUX, zx=instruction[11], nx=instruction[10], zy=instruction[9], ny=instruction[8], f=instruction[7], no=instruction[6], zr=zr, ng=ng,out=outM); 

    // The 3 d-bits of “ixxaccccccdddjjj” ALUout determine registers are destinations for for ALUout
    // Whenever there is a C-Instruction and d2 (bit 4) is a 1 the D register is loaded
    And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[4], out=writeD); // assert that c instruction AND d2-bit
    DRegister(in=outM, load=writeD, out=DregisterOut); // d2 of d-bits for D register destination 

    // Whenever there is a C-Instruction and d3 (bit 3) is a 1 then writeM (aka RAM[A]) is true
    And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[3], out=writeM); // assert that c instruction AND d3-bit  

    // Programe counter to fetch next instruction
    // PC logic: if (reset==1), then PC = 0
    //           else:
    //                load  = comparison(instruction jump bits, ALU output zr & ng)
    //                if load == 1, PC = A
    //                else: PC ++   
    And(a=instruction[2], b=ng, out=JLT); // J2 test against ng: out < 0
    And(a=instruction[1], b=zr, out=JEQ); // J1 test against zr: out = 0
    Or(a=ng, b=zr, out=JGToutMnot)); // J0 test if ng and zr are both zero
    Not(in=JGToutMnot, out=JGToutM; // J0 test if ng and zr are both zero
    And(a=instruction[0], b=JGToutM, out=JGT);
    Or(a=JLT, b=JEQ, out=JLE); // out <= 0  
    Or(a=JGT, b=JLE, out=JMP); // final jump assertion
    And(a=instruction[15], b=JMP, out=PCload); // C instruction AND JMP assert to get the PC load bit
    // load in all values into the programme counter if load and reset, otherwise continue increasing
    PC(in=addressM, load=PCload, inc=true, reset=reset, out=pc);     

1 回答 1




  • 孤立地考虑每个元素(包括信号聚集在一起的圆圈)。

  • 用名称标记元素之间的每一行。这些将成为内部控制线。它有助于减少混淆的机会。

  • 对垃圾输出要非常小心。如果您不应该将有效数据放在 outM 上,请使用 Mux 输出 false。

潜在的陷阱:我似乎记得使用设计输出(如 outM)作为其他东西的输入是个坏主意。输出应该只是输出。现在您将 ALU 的输出发送到 outM 并将 outM 用作其他元素的输入。我建议您尝试将 ALU 输出到新信号“ALUout”,并将其用作其他元素和(通过由 writeM 错误控制的多路复用器)outM 的输入。但请记住,writeM 是一个输出!因此生成 writeM 的块需要生成自身的副本以用作多路复用器的控制。幸运的是,一个块可以有多个 out 语句!

例如,现在你正在生成这样的 outM (我不会评论它是否错误,我只是将其用作说明):

And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[3], out=writeM); 


And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[3], out=writeM, out=writeM2)

然后像这样“清理”你的 outM:



于 2019-02-21T14:34:07.123 回答