我试图用 Astropy 裁剪到 FITS 图像中的一个区域


COLUMN1:    ID    [none]    Source ID
COLUMN2:    RA (core)    [degs]    Right ascension of the source core
COLUMN3:    DEC (core)    [degs]    DEcination of the source core
COLUMN4:    RA (centroid)    [degs]    Right ascension of the source centroid
COLUMN5:    DEC (centroid)    [degs]    Declination of the source centroid
COLUMN6:    FLUX    [Jy]    integrated flux density
COLUMN7:    Core frac    [none]    integrated flux density of core/total
COLUMN8:    BMAJ    [arcsec]    major axis dimension
COLUMN9:    BMIN    [arcsec]    minor axis dimension
COLUMN10:    PA    [degs]    PA (measured clockwise from the longitude-wise direction)
COLUMN11:    SIZE    [none]    1,2,3 for LAS, Gaussian, Exponential
COLUMN12:    CLASS    [none]    1,2,3 for SS-AGNs, FS-AGNs,SFGs
COLUMN13:    SELECTION    [none]  0,1 to record that the source has not/has been injected in the simulated map due to noise level
COLUMN14:    x    [none]    pixel x coordinate of the centroid, starting from 0
COLUMN15:    y    [none]    pixel y coordinate of the centroid,starting from 0

我不知道如何用RA,DEC. 你能帮我解决这个问题吗?



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