我对 FPGA RAM 有疑问。我想在我的 3D 渲染器项目中进行 Z 缓冲。这涉及对内存的一次读取和一次有条件的写入访问。

在一个周期内同时读取和写入会产生错误的图形结果(写入内存的数据显示在屏幕上)。当我等待 3 个周期时,图形结果是正确的。

when st_render =>
    put_pixel_out_next <= '0';
    depth_buf_in <= depth_buf_out;

    if cnty <= render_rect_latch.y1 then
        if cntx < render_rect_latch.x1 then
            e0 := cross_product(cntx, cnty, triangle_latch(0), triangle_latch(1));
            e1 := cross_product(cntx, cnty, triangle_latch(1), triangle_latch(2));
            e2 := cross_product(cntx, cnty, triangle_latch(2), triangle_latch(0));

            if e0 <= 0 and e1 <= 0 and e2 <= 0 then
                 depth := (e0 * depths_in.z + e1 * depths_in.x + e2 * depths_in.y) / area_in;
                 depth_buf_in <= unsigned(std_logic_vector(depth + 127))(15 downto 0); -- ram write

                 state_next <= st_wait_0;
            end if;
            cntx_next <= cntx + 1;
            cntx_next <= render_rect_latch.x0;
            cnty_next <= cnty + 1;
    end if;
        ready_out_next     <= '1';
        put_pixel_out_next <= '0';
        state_next         <= st_idle;
    end if;

when st_wait_0 => -- good results with this delay
    state_next <= st_wait_1;

when st_wait_1 =>
    state_next <= st_wait_2;

when st_wait_2 =>
    color_out <= (
        r => std_logic_vector(depth_buf_out(7 downto 0) ), -- ram read
        g => std_logic_vector(depth_buf_out(7 downto 0)),
        b => std_logic_vector(depth_buf_out(7 downto 0))

     put_pixel_out_next <= '1';
     state_next <= st_render;

我读到读和写可以在一个周期内完成。在这个 FPGA 架构中是否存在大于一个周期的延迟?


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