我正在实现用于文本分类的朴素贝叶斯算法。我有大约 1000 个用于培训的文档和 400 个用于测试的文档。我想我已经正确地实施了培训部分,但我在测试部分感到困惑。这是我所做的简要介绍:


vocabularySize= GetUniqueTermsInCollection();//get all unique terms in the entire collection


for each training_file{
        class = GetClassLabel(); // 0 for spam or 1 = non-spam
        document = GetDocumentID();

        counterTotalTrainingDocs ++;

        if(class == 0){

        for each term in document{
                freq = GetTermFrequency; // how many times this term appears in this document?
                id = GetTermID; // unique id of the term 

                if(class = 0){ //SPAM
                        spamModelArray[id]+= freq;
                        totalNumberofSpamWords++; // total number of terms marked as spam in the training docs
                }else{ // NON-SPAM
                        nonspamModelArray[id]+= freq;
                        totalNumberofNonSpamWords++; // total number of terms marked as non-spam in the training docs

        for i in vocabularySize{
                spamModelArray[i] = spamModelArray[i]/totalNumberofSpamWords;
                nonspamModelArray[i] = nonspamModelArray[i]/totalNumberofNonSpamWords;


        priorProb = counterTotalSpamTrainingDocs/counterTotalTrainingDocs;// calculate prior probability of the spam documents

我想我正确理解并实施了培训部分,但我不确定我能否正确实施测试部分。在这里,我试图检查每个测试文档,并为每个文档计算 logP(spam|d) 和 logP(non-spam|d)。然后我比较这两个数量以确定类别(垃圾邮件/非垃圾邮件)。


vocabularySize= GetUniqueTermsInCollection;//get all unique terms in the entire collection
for each testing_file:
        document = getDocumentID;

        logProbabilityofSpam = 0;
        logProbabilityofNonSpam = 0;

        for each term in document{
                freq = GetTermFrequency; // how many times this term appears in this document?
                id = GetTermID; // unique id of the term 

                // logP(w1w2.. wn) = C(wj)∗logP(wj)
                logProbabilityofSpam+= freq*log(spamModelArray[id]);
                logProbabilityofNonSpam+= freq*log(nonspamModelArray[id]);

        // Now I am calculating the probability of being spam for this document
        if (logProbabilityofNonSpam + log(1-priorProb) > logProbabilityofSpam +log(priorProb)) { // argmax[logP(i|ck) + logP(ck)]
                newclass = 1; //not spam
                newclass = 0; // spam


我的问题是;我想返回每个类的概率,而不是精确的 1 和 0(垃圾邮件/非垃圾邮件)。我想看看例如 newclass = 0.8684212 所以我可以稍后应用阈值。但我在这里很困惑。如何计算每个文档的概率?我可以使用 logProbabilities 来计算吗?


1 回答 1


根据朴素贝叶斯概率模型,由一组特征 { F1 , F2 , ..., Fn } 描述的数据属于C类的概率为

P(C|F) = P(C) * (P(F1|C) * P(F2|C) * ... * P(Fn|C)) / P(F1, ..., Fn)

除了 1 / P ( F1 , ..., Fn ) 项之外,您拥有所有项(以对数形式),因为您正在实现的朴素贝叶斯分类器中没有使用它。(严格来说,MAP分类器。)


P(F1, ..., Fn) = P(F1) * ... * P(Fn)
于 2011-03-27T18:07:31.220 回答