我想在我的应用程序中使用某些具有与闭源分发兼容的许可证的库,例如 LGPL 和 BSD。但是,在我使用的 Linux 发行版 Ubuntu 上,这些库的“打包”被版权文件标记为受 GPL 保护。我想避免 GPL 许可证。这种库的一个例子是libpng。所以,我有三组问题:


什么是包装?可以从原始 LGPL 库中提取共享对象,从而消除 GPL 保护吗?

是否有存储库或其他方法可以获取与我的包管理系统兼容的这些库的非 GPL 打包版本?自己建造图书馆是我最后的手段。


1 回答 1


The packaging refers to that collection of scripts and metadata that take a the raw source tarball and turn it into a .deb. If you obtain the debian source code via apt-get source somepackage, you can find this under the debian/ directory.

For a definitive answer, you should probably contact an attorney; I am not one, and this is not legal advice - that said, however, 'viral' licenses such as the GPL are limited to what copyright law allows them to affect. Specifically, they can only really affect you if your code is a derivative work of the GPL'd code in question. Your code may be a derivative work of the actual library in question, but it would be hard to argue that your code is a derivative work of the packaging scripts; after all, your code would work just fine if built on, say, Red Hat, right?

While it's not exactly the same situation as with debian packaging scripts, you might find it interesting to read this discussion of Linux and binary kernel modules; the concept of derivative works is prominent there as well.

于 2011-03-27T04:19:05.363 回答