I am using Linq2db in my big query with subqueries. At the one place inside it, I want to use string.Join():

FullPath = string.Join(" -> ", GetPathQuery(db, c.Id).Select(pi => pi.Name))

But I have received an exception:

LinqException: 'Join(" -> ", value(RI.DAL.Categories.AdminCategoryPreviewDAL).GetPathQuery(value(RI.DAL.Categories.AdminCategoryPreviewDAL+<>c__DisplayClass4_0).db, c.Id).Select(pi => pi.Name))' cannot be converted to SQL.

I use Postgre SQL and it has the concat_ws function which is perfect for me. So I try to use it:

[Sql.Expression("concat_ws({1}, {0})")]
public static string JoinAsString(this IQueryable<string> query, string separator)
    return string.Join(separator, query);

FullPath = GetPathQuery(db, c.Id).Select(pi => pi.Name).JoinAsString(" -> ")

But I was failed with the same exception.

The full source code of the GetPathQuery:

    private IQueryable<CategoryPathItemCte> GetPathQuery(IStoreDb db, Guid categoryId)
        var categoryPathCte = db.GetCte<CategoryPathItemCte>(categoryHierarchy =>
                    from c in db.Categories
                    where c.Id == categoryId
                    select new CategoryPathItemCte
                        CategoryId = c.Id,
                        ParentCategoryId = c.ParentId,
                        Name = c.Name,
                        SeoUrlName = c.SeoUrlName
                    from c in db.Categories
                    from eh in categoryHierarchy.InnerJoin(ch => ch.ParentCategoryId == c.Id)
                    select new CategoryPathItemCte
                        CategoryId = c.Id,
                        ParentCategoryId = c.ParentId,
                        Name = c.Name,
                        SeoUrlName = c.SeoUrlName

        return categoryPathCte;

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FullPath = string.Join(" -> ", GetPathQuery(db, c.Id).Select(pi => pi.Name).ToList());


GetPathQuery(db, c.Id).Select(pi => pi.Name)
   .Aggregate(string.Empty, (results, nextString) 
               => string.Format("{0} -> {1}", results, nextString));
于 2019-01-27T18:30:54.340 回答