我需要算法(最好在 c++ 中,虽然伪代码也可以)来在与一个特定像素具有最小距离的像素组中找到一组。
距离定义为组中每个像素到特定像素的距离之和,而每个距离等于 |x|+|y| 坐标。
对于组中的每个其他像素,计算其与主像素的偏移量(x 和 y)。与曼哈顿距离不同,保留此偏移的符号。
将所有偏移量(x 和 y 偏移量)汇总为一个数字,称为 total_offsets。
当您需要与指定像素的距离时,请计算主像素的(曼哈顿)距离。将其乘以像素数并加上 total_offsets 以获得曼哈顿总距离。
步骤 1 - 3 只需对每个组执行一次,然后可以根据需要执行步骤 4。
Area A consists of 4 pixels: (8, 8), (8, 9), (9, 8) and (9, 9).
Declare (8, 9) as primary pixel. Offsets are
(8, 9) --> (8, 8) = (0, -1)
(8, 9) --> (9, 8) = (1, -1)
(8, 9) --> (9, 9) = (1, 0)
total_offset = 0 + -1 + 1 + -1 + 1 + 0
= 0
num_pixels = 4
To compute Manhattan distance from pixel (2, 4)
distance to primary pixel
(2, 4) --> (8, 9) = (6, 5)
= 11
dist * num_pixels + total_offsets = 11 * 4 + 0
= 44
(2, 4) --> (8, 8) = (6, 4)
(2, 4) --> (8, 9) = (6, 5)
(2, 4) --> (9, 8) = (7, 4)
(2, 4) --> (9, 9) = (7, 5)
distance = 6 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 5
= 44
下面是一个简化的例子。您需要一个函数“int distance(Point p1, Point p2)”来计算距离(使用任何算法)。
Point pxTest = ... // the single pixel to use for distance checking
List<Point> pxGroup = ... // the group of pixels to check
Point pxMin = null; // the pixel with the minimum distance
int iMin = int.MAX; // the minimum distance so far
foreach(Point pxOther in pxGroup)
if(iMin > distance(pxTest, pxOther))
iMin = distance(pxTest, pxOther); // this could be cached in the line before as well to save this call
pxMin = pxOther;
// now pxMin will include the closest point, iMin the distance