要访问 a 的范围bitset
表明您不应该尝试直接访问基础数据。这样做,即使它看起来有效,也是脆弱的、hacky 的,并且可能是某种未定义的行为。
如果您不关心文件大小)。看起来 PW 已经为此提供了代码,所以我现在将跳过一个示例。
第二种可能性是使用按位运算符 and to_ullong()
。这种方法的缺点是它名义上使用辅助存储空间,特别是两个与原始大小相同的附加位集。不过,我说“名义上”,因为编译器可能足够聪明,可以将它们优化掉。可能。也许不吧。而且您正在处理每个超过 1 GB 的大小。实际上,逐位方法可能是要走的路,但我认为这个例子在理论上很有趣。
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;
constexpr size_t FULL_SIZE = 120; // Some large number
constexpr size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 64; // Currently the mask assumes 64. Otherwise, this code just
// assumes CHUNK_SIZE is nonzero and at most the number of
// bits in long long (which is at least 64).
int main()
// Generate some large bitset. This is just test data, so don't read too much into this.
bitset<FULL_SIZE> bit_array(302332342342342323);
bit_array |= bit_array << (FULL_SIZE/2);
cout << "Source: " << bit_array << "\n";
// The mask avoids overflow in to_ullong().
// The mask should be have exactly its CHUNK_SIZE low-order bits set.
// As long as we're dealing with 64-bit chunks, there's a handy constant to handle this.
constexpr bitset<FULL_SIZE> mask64(UINT64_MAX);
cout << "Mask: " << mask64 << "\n";
// Extract chunks.
const size_t num_chunks = (FULL_SIZE + CHUNK_SIZE - 1)/CHUNK_SIZE; // Round up.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < num_chunks; ++i ) {
// Extract the next CHUNK_SIZE bits, then convert to an integer.
const bitset<FULL_SIZE> chunk_set{(bit_array >> (CHUNK_SIZE * i)) & mask64};
unsigned long long chunk_val = chunk_set.to_ullong();
// NOTE: as long as CHUNK_SIZE <= 64, chunk_val can be converted safely to the desired uint64_t.
cout << "Chunk " << dec << i << ": 0x" << hex << setfill('0') << setw(16) << chunk_val << "\n";
return 0;
Source: 010000110010000110011010100111011101011011010101011010110011010000110010000110011010100111011101011011010101011010110011
Mask: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Chunk 0: 0x343219a9dd6d56b3
Chunk 1: 0x0043219a9dd6d56b