
SpringBoot 2 Vaadin 12.0.3

Horizontal and Vertical Layouts work fine for me. I wanted to try CssLayout but don't see it in the class path. Examples that show CssLayout at work, import from com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout. I don't see that package.

Is dependency configuration incorrect, or have things changed in latest Vaadin?


1 回答 1


Vaadin 10+ 中的布局组件已从 Vaadin 8 更改。有 Vertical/Horizo​​ntalLayouts,但它们的行为略有不同,因为现在实现基于 CSS FlexBox。还有 API 更改。CssLayout 不再存在,取而代之的是一个名为 Div 的类,它已经取代了它。

于 2019-01-16T05:09:55.843 回答