I am reading the article about extensional type theory on n-lab and it mentions two ways to make intensional type theory extensional.

  1. Definitional: Add rule p:Id(x,y) => x===y
  2. Propositional: Add one of the following to the type theory
    • axiom UIP
    • axiom K
    • axiom stating Id((a,b_1),(a,b_2)) => Id(b_1,b_2) where (a,b_1) and (a,b_2) are both dependent pairs
    • add unconstrained pattern matching as in original Agda

My question is are these two ways equivalent?

Specifically, if so, can one derive p:Id(x,y) => x===y from axiom K or UIP?


1 回答 1


n-lab 对类型论的外延意义的理解是相当奇特的。Id如果您最感兴趣的是类型是否可以单价扩展,这是有道理的,如果您有 UIP,情况并非如此。


(1) 是更传统的来源与“外延类型理论”这个名称相关联的规则。

然而,(2) 并不意味着 (1),因为Id像 Agda 这样的理论的类型的规范性表明,Id在空上下文中的任何证明都是自反性,而 (1) 意味着函数可扩展性。

于 2019-01-14T10:56:25.970 回答