是否可以根据真实世界检测图像的大小调整放置模型的大小?我有一幅画,我正在用一个 AR 模型来增强它,一旦检测到图像,它就会替换这幅画。它应该完美地覆盖这幅画。它宽 45 厘米,提供给 XRImageDetectionController 脚本。当我运行我的应用程序时,目标图像在其真实尺寸(45cm X 28cm)中可见,效果符合预期。理想情况下,我希望能够在各种设置中演示这种增强绘画,其中真实世界的图像可能具有不同的大小(保持纵横比相同)。我的特定设备是兼容 ARCore 的安卓手机。


1 回答 1


我最近开始使用 8th Wall,但我还没有创建自己的项目(只是玩弄了演示项目并查看了源代码),所以我不知道 100% 是否可行,但这里有:

如果您查看 8th WallXRDataTypes.cs文件,您可以找到数据类型XRDetectionTextureXRDetectionImageXRDetectedImageTarget。这些数据类型中的每一个都有一些维度字段的实例。


 * A unity Texture2D that can be used as a source for image-target detection.
[Serializable] public struct XRDetectionTexture {


   * The expected physical width of the image-target, in meters.
  public float widthInMeters;



 * Source image data for a image-target to detect. This can either be constructed manually, or
 * from a Unity Texture2d.
public struct XRDetectionImage {
   * The width of the source binary image-target, in pixels.
  public readonly int widthInPixels;

   * The height of the source binary image-target, in pixels.
  public readonly int heightInPixels;

   * The expected physical width of the image-target, in meters.
  public readonly float targetWidthInMeters;


 * An image-target that was detected by an AR Engine.
public struct XRDetectedImageTarget {

   * Width of the detected image-target, in unity units.
  public readonly float width;

   * Height of the detected image-target, in unity units.
  public readonly float height;

我自己没有这样做,我不能给你工作代码示例,但是关于图像检测基础的 8th Wall 文档似乎相当不错,实际上确实表明了一个实例XRDetectedImageTarget被传递到指定的回调方法中检测到的模型(图像复制自 8th Wall 文档,2019-01-18):



//calculating the size ratio might be more difficult than this, assume this is pseudocode
var sizeRatio = xrDetectedImageTarget.width / xrDetectionImage.targetWidthInMeters;

var placedModel = Instantiate(prefabModel, newPosition, newRotation, parentTransform);
placedModel.transform.localScale = this.transform.localScale * sizeRatio;


于 2019-01-18T17:26:37.097 回答