我做了什么 :
// Trimming
println 'Trimming reads with AlienTrimmer'
process Trimming {
// Convert to fasta
println 'Convert files from fastq to fasta'
process Fastq2Fasta {
// Concatenate files
println 'Combine all fasta files'
// Dereplication
if (params.prefixdrep) println 'Dereplication using prefixes'
else println 'Dereplication using full reads lentgh'
process Dereplication {
* Trimming reads with AlienTrimmer
* Convert files from fastq to fasta
* Combine all fasta files
* Dereplication using full reads lentgh
[74/ee63b8] Cached process > Trimming (MOBIO2-16S)
[d7/9b16c3] Cached process > Trimming (IHMS1-16S)
[e8/821f96] Cached process > Trimming (IHMS2-16S)
[2d/bfe805] Cached process > Trimming (MOBIO1-16S)
[a0/6702b3] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (IHMS1-16S)
[c0/044dcd] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (MOBIO2-16S)
[84/344d52] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (MOBIO1-16S)
[7f/20caee] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (IHMS2-16S)
[aa/ea78e8] Cached process > Dereplication (mycobiote_16S)
我想要的是 :
* Trimming reads with AlienTrimmer
[74/ee63b8] Cached process > Trimming (MOBIO2-16S)
[d7/9b16c3] Cached process > Trimming (IHMS1-16S)
[e8/821f96] Cached process > Trimming (IHMS2-16S)
[2d/bfe805] Cached process > Trimming (MOBIO1-16S)
* Convert files from fastq to fasta
[a0/6702b3] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (IHMS1-16S)
[c0/044dcd] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (MOBIO2-16S)
[84/344d52] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (MOBIO1-16S)
[7f/20caee] Cached process > Fastq2Fasta (IHMS2-16S)
* Combine all fasta files
* Dereplication using full reads lentgh
[aa/ea78e8] Cached process > Dereplication (mycobiote_16S)