我有一些由本机子返回的大型 CArray,我需要对其执行基本的元素数学运算。CArray 通常是 10^6 个元素的数量级。我发现对它们调用 .list 以将它们视为普通的 Perl6 类型非常昂贵。有没有办法在保持 CArrays 的同时对它们进行高性能的元素操作?


#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
use NativeCall;
use Terminal::Spinners;

my $list;
my $carray;
my $spinner = Spinner.new;

########## create data stuctures ##########

print "Creating 10e6 element List and CArray  ";
my $create = Promise.start: {
    $list = 42e0 xx 10e6;
    $carray = CArray[num32].new($list);
$spinner.await: $create;

########## time List subtractions ##########

my $time = now;
print "Substracting two 10e6 element Lists w/ hyper  ";
$spinner.await( Promise.start: {$list >>-<< $list} );
say "List hyper subtraction took: {now - $time} seconds";

$time = now;
print "Substracting two 10e6 element Lists w/ for loop  ";
my $diff = Promise.start: {
    for ^$list.elems {
        $list[$_] - $list[$_];
$spinner.await: $diff;
say "List for loop subtraction took: {now - $time} seconds";

########## time CArray subtractions ##########

$time = now;
print "Substracting two 10e6 element CArrays w/ .list and hyper  ";
$spinner.await( Promise.start: {$carray.list >>-<< $carray.list} );
say "CArray .list and hyper subtraction took: {now - $time} seconds";

$time = now;
print "Substracting two 10e6 element CArrays w/ for loop  ";
$diff = Promise.start: {
    for ^$carray.elems {
        $carray[$_] - $carray[$_];
$spinner.await: $diff;
say "CArray for loop subtraction took: {now - $time} seconds";


Creating 10e6 element List and CArray |
Substracting two 10e6 element Lists w/ hyper -
List hyper subtraction took: 26.1877042 seconds
Substracting two 10e6 element Lists w/ for loop -
List for loop subtraction took: 20.6394032 seconds
Substracting two 10e6 element CArrays w/ .list and hyper /
CArray .list and hyper subtraction took: 164.4888844 seconds
Substracting two 10e6 element CArrays w/ for loop |
CArray for loop subtraction took: 133.00560218 seconds

for 循环方法似乎最快,但 CArray 的处理时间仍然比 List 长 6 倍。



1 回答 1


只要您可以使用不同的本机数据类型 Matrix 和 Vector,您就可以使用Fernando Santagata 的 Gnu Scientific Library的(也是本机的)端口。它有一个可以使用的 Vector.sub 函数。

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
use NativeCall;
use Terminal::Spinners;
use Math::Libgsl::Vector;

my $list;
my $carray;
my $spinner = Spinner.new;

########## create data stuctures ##########

print "Creating 10e6 element List and CArray  ";
my $list1 = Math::Libgsl::Vector.new(size => 10e6.Int);
my $list2 = Math::Libgsl::Vector.new(size => 10e6.Int);

########## time List subtractions ##########

my $time = now;
print "Substracting two 10e6 element Lists w/ hyper  ";
$spinner.await( Promise.start: { $list1.sub( $list2)} );
say "GSL Vector subtraction took: {now - $time} seconds";


GSL Vector subtraction took: 0.08243 seconds


于 2020-07-17T06:40:15.667 回答