我正在编写应用程序,需要将文本文件从手机发送到我的 PC。使用 PyBluez、PyOBEX、Python 2.7.15 和 Windows10 64 位、LG K10LTE。试图从这篇文章运行代码: Convert and save string to binary file in Python 但出现错误:
a, b = client.get("here.txt")
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PyOBEX\client.py", line 312, in get
for response in self._get(name, header_list):
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PyOBEX\client.py", line 342, in _get
max_length = self.remote_info.max_packet_length
AttributeError: BrowserClient instance has no attribute 'remote_info'
from bluetooth import *
from PyOBEX.client import Client
client = Client(host, port)
b = client.get("here.txt")
print b
b 返回:
<PyOBEX.responses.UnknownResponse instance at 0x000000000351FE08>