(第 2 部分:我已经更新了代码 - 要求发生了一些变化。)
我正在尝试在 Java 中实现图书管理员问题。维基百科上的Semaphore 页面给出了 Semaphore 的类比库。在第一部分,我试图模拟这个问题。就我而言,我使用的是 [主题专家] 而不是房间作为资源。
假设一个图书馆有 10 个相同的自习室,打算一次只供一个学生使用。为防止发生纠纷,学生如果想使用自习室,必须向前台申请房间。当学生用完一个房间后,学生必须回到柜台并指出一个房间已经空闲。如果没有空房间,学生会在柜台等待,直到有人让出房间。
我在实施中面临的问题是关于学生与主题专家的关联。在接下来的 secnario 中,您将如何做到这一点?所需SubjectMatterExpert
要做的就是打印学生 ID(现在)。
第 2 部分:新要求:
- 有固定数量的学生、SME 和书柜
- 学生在开始时有一定数量的书籍(目前,书籍只是数字)
- SME 在书柜中添加或签出书籍学生的请求
- 学生指定添加或签出操作、书籍数量和书柜
package librarysimulation;
public class Student extends Thread {
String studentId = "";
Librarian librarian = null;
int bookCount = 0;
public Student(String id, Librarian lib, int book) {
studentId = id;
librarian = lib;
bookCount = book;
public void run() {
System.out.println("Student " + studentId + " is requesting SME...");
try {
// Do something
System.out.println("Student " + studentId + " has access to an SME.");
//How do I ask the SME to add OR checkOut 'x' number of books
//from a given BookCloset?
} finally {
package librarysimulation;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Librarian {
public Semaphore sme;
public int bookClosetCount = 0;
public Librarian(int smeCount, int bookCloset) {
sme = new Semaphore(smeCount, true);
bookClosetCount = bookCloset;
//Receive SME request from the Student here
public void requestSME() {
try {
//assign student to SME
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Librarian.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//Release SME from the Student here
public void releaseSME() {
sme.release();//release SME
//Set the SME threads active (from constructor)
//i.e., when the library opens, have the SMEs ready
public final void openLibrary(int roomCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < roomCount; i++) {
SubjectMatterExpert s = new SubjectMatterExpert(String.valueOf(i));
package librarysimulation;
public class SubjectMatterExpert extends Thread {
String smeId = "";
SubjectMatterExpert(String id) {
smeId = id;
public void run(){
//Handle Student request
//Students specify if they are checking out books or returning books
//Students specify number of books
//Students specify which closet
//SME simply executes the method from the Book Closet instance
package librarysimulation;
public class Simulator extends Thread {
public static final int STUDENT_COUNT = 50;
public static final int SME_COUNT = 3;
public static final int BOOKCLOSET_COUNT = 10;
public static final int BOOK_PER_STUDENT_COUNT = 10;
public void run() {
//Instantiate Library//New library with 3 SMEs
Librarian lib = new Librarian(SME_COUNT, BOOKCLOSET_COUNT);
//Create students
int i = 0;
while (i < STUDENT_COUNT) {
Student s = new Student(String.valueOf(i), lib, BOOK_PER_STUDENT_COUNT);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Simulator s = new Simulator();
这是(新的)Book Closet 类:
package librarysimulation;
public class BookCloset {
int closetId;
int bookCount = 0;
public BookCloset(int id, int book) {
closetId = id;
bookCount = book;
public int addBook(int book){
return bookCount + book;
public int checkOutBook(int book){
int finalBookCount = bookCount - book;
//Change book count iff it makes sense to do so
if(finalBookCount >= 0)
bookCount = finalBookCount;
//If return value is -ve, handle accordingly
return finalBookCount;