private static Vector3[] sides = {
private void Snap() {
if (!snappedObject)
if (lastSnapping > LeftController.GetLastSnappingToggle()) {
//we dont calculate new sides, only use the old ones
//but we have to check whether we are now further away
float dis = Vector3.Distance(GetWorldPositionFace(this.gameObject, lastSelf),
GetWorldPositionFace(snappedObject, lastOther));
float max = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(size.x), Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(size.y), Mathf.Abs(size.z)));
if (dis > max)
ApplyToOther(lastSelf, lastOther, snappedObject);
} else {
//we need to find both new closest sides
MeshSnapping other = snappedObject.GetComponent<MeshSnapping>();
float otherDis = float.MaxValue;
int otherSide = -1;
//find the closest side from the other object
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SIDES; i++) {
float dis = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, GetWorldPositionFace(snappedObject, i));
if (dis < otherDis && other.sidesAllowed[i]) {
otherDis = dis;
otherSide = i;
//find the closest side of our object
float selfDis = float.MaxValue;
int selfSide = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SIDES; i++) {
float dis = Vector3.Distance(GetWorldPositionFace(this.gameObject, i),
GetWorldPositionFace(snappedObject, otherSide));
if (dis < selfDis && sidesAllowed[i]) {
selfDis = dis;
selfSide = i;
//are we to far away or at a prohibited side?
float max = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(size.x), Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(size.y), Mathf.Abs(size.z)));
if (selfDis > max)
ApplyToOther(selfSide, otherSide, snappedObject);
//save the sides for next iteration
lastSelf = selfSide;
lastOther = otherSide;
lastSnapping = Time.time;
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
snappedObject = collision.gameObject;
private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision) {
snappedObject = null;
private Vector3 GetWorldPositionFace(GameObject other, int i) {
//get the side in local coordinates, scaled to size
Vector3 otherLocalSize = other.transform.localScale;
Vector3 otherSidePoint = new Vector3(otherLocalSize.x * sides[i].x, otherLocalSize.y * sides[i].y, otherLocalSize.z * sides[i].z) / 2f;
//rotate it according to world position
Vector3 dir = (other.transform.rotation * otherSidePoint);
//actually move it to world position
Vector3 center = other.transform.position + dir;
return center;
private void ApplyToOther(int selfI, int otherI, GameObject other) {
//first get the midpoint of face of other go
Vector3 edge = GetWorldPositionFace(other, otherI);
Vector3 dir = edge - other.transform.position;
RotateSides(selfI, otherI, dir);
selfI = (selfI + NUM_SIDES / 2) % NUM_SIDES;
//get midpoint of face of self go
edge += GetWorldPositionFace(this.gameObject, selfI) - transform.position;
//now move towards the combination
transform.position = edge;
private void RotateSides(int selfI, int otherI, Vector3 dir) {
//rotate self side towards this point
switch (selfI) {
case 0: transform.up = -dir; break;
case 1: transform.forward = -dir; break;
case 2: transform.right = -dir; break;
case 3: transform.up = dir; break;
case 4: transform.forward = dir; break;
case 5: transform.right = dir; break;
我可以通过变换方向向量、应用对象当前的旋转和位置来找到边界框的每个中点(参见 GetWorldPositionFace() )。找到最佳组合后,ApplyToOther() 将对象移动到某个位置并根据选定的面法线旋转它。到目前为止一切顺利,但结果不一致。如您所见,正面并不朝向同一方向,即我想将上部立方体围绕 transform.up 轴旋转这个量。这将是我想要的结果。
float angle = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, snappedObject.transform.forward);
transform.Rotate(transform.up, angle);
到 RotateSides() 函数,结果是this。旋转轴不对。
Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, snappedObject.transform.up)