I'm working with a 3D array of which the index array is a 200x200 binary array (for classification). This array contains either 0 or 1 and I need to use this array select a random 1000 locations of 0 and a random 1000 locations of 1 in the 3D array. I've gotten to the point where I can make a list of integers and their location and I cannot figure out how to randomize that list and use it to slice the 3D array.
What follows is my code.
index = file.read(1) #a 200 x 200 2D array. it's binary and only contains 1s and 0s in varying clusters.
array1 = file.read(1) #a 200x 200 2D array #first array in the stack this is repeated for the remaining 3
stack = np.dstack((array1, array2, array3, array4, index)) #Note location of 'index'. Also this is now a 3d array.
Printing 'stack' provides this.
[[[0.5580524 0.4883823 0.45231035 0.48734677 0.48952746 0.5680048
0.61111915 0.7087597 0.68731683 0.7544603 0.74395233 0.76797485
0.6963369 0.551183 1. ]
[0.4401738 0.3988781 0.35379404 0.36442786 0.36919853 0.46986657
0.4414228 0.4944533 0.47824454 0.5220391 0.56117916 0.6202841
0.6201752 0.64005166 0. ]]]
Now to generate a list of values and their positions from 'index' 2D array using numpy.where
class_indexes = {}
for class_ in np.unique(index):
class_indexes[class_] = np.where(index == class_)
The results of calling class_indexes is below
{0: (array([ 1, 1, 1, ..., 1511, 1511, 1511]),
array([1797, 1798, 1799, ..., 2001, 2002, 2003])),
1: (array([ 1, 1, 1, ..., 1511, 1511, 1511]),
array([1833, 1834, 1835, ..., 1962, 1963, 1964]))}
np.unique(index, return_counts = True)
(array( 0, 1], dtype=int16), array([280000, 120000]))
I can select/slice a specific location in the 3D array using
[[[0.444261 0.43989536 0.47133848 0.4160257 0.5548938 0.44350675
0.6010795 0.48953462 0.6352046 0.5407316 0.72074664 0.69200116
0.58779025 0.5807785 1. ]]]
[0.444261 0.43989536 0.47133848 0.4160257 0.5548938 0.44350675
0.6010795 0.48953462 0.6352046 0.5407316 0.72074664 0.69200116
0.58779025 0.5807785 1. ]
This is where I get stuck. To reiterate, I want to randomly slice 1000 of the ones that end in 1 and 1000 of the ones that end in 0 from the 3D array and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the 'class_indexes' I've generated to do this.