我有一个可以工作的 PowerShell 脚本,它可以帮助我对多个服务器运行多个查询,并将每个输出保存在不同的 CSV 中,然后将它们合并到一个 Excel 文件中。
$Servers = get-content -Path "Servers.txt"
$DatabaseName ="master"
#$credential = Get-Credential #Prompt for user credentials
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "MyPassword" -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("sa", $secpasswd)
$QueriesFolder = "Queries\"
$ResultFolder = "Results\"
ForEach($Server in $Servers)
$DateTime = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyy-MM-dd")
ForEach ($filename in get-childitem -path $QueriesFolder -filter "*.sql" | sort-object {if (($i = $_.BaseName -as [int])) {$i} else {$_}} )
$oresults = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $DatabaseName -Credential $credential -InputFile $filename.fullname
write-host "Executing $filename on $Server"
$BaseNameOnly = Get-Item $filename.fullname | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName
$oresults | export-csv $ResultFolder$BaseNameOnly.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force
$All_CSVs = get-childitem -path $ResultFolder -filter "*.csv" | sort-object {if (($i = $_.BaseName -as [int])) {$i} else {$_}}
$Count_CSVs = $All_CSVs.Count
Write-Host "Detected the following CSV files: ($Count_CSVs)"
Write-Host " "$All_CSVs.Name"`n"
$ExcelApp = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$ExcelApp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = $All_CSVs.Count
$output = "C:\Users\FrancescoM\Desktop\CSV\Results\" + $Server + " $DateTime.xlsx"
if (Test-Path $output)
Remove-Item $output
Write-Host Removing: $output because it exists already
$xlsx = $ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add()
for($i=1;$i -le $Count_CSVs;$i++)
$worksheet = $xlsx.Worksheets.Item($i)
$worksheet.Name = $All_CSVs[$i-1].Name
$file = (Import-Csv $All_CSVs[$i-1].FullName)
$file | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation | Clip
Write-Host Creating: $output
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsx) | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Closing all worksheet"
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ExcelApp) | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Closing Excel"
Remove-Item "$ResultFolder\*" -Include *.csv
Write-Host "Cleaning all *.csv"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
$output = "C:\Users\FrancescoM\Desktop\CSV\Results\" + $Server + " $DateTime.xlsx"
$output = $ResultFolder + $Server + " $DateTime.xlsx"
Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'C:\Users\FrancescoM\Documents\Results\0DC80000'.
There are several possible reasons:
• The file name or path does not exist.
• The file is being used by another program.
• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
At C:\Users\FrancescoM\Desktop\CSV\QueryLauncher.ps1:50 char:2
+ $xlsx.SaveAs($output)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
我还关注了这个StackOverflow 帖子,并在添加“C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\desktop”后重新启动了我的计算机,但问题并没有解决。
可变路径如何与 Excel 混淆?