我正在尝试使用谷歌自然语言处理 api。我使用 Maven 添加库并添加GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
as 环境变量,该变量具有包含我的服务帐户密钥的 JSON 文件的路径。
它给了我一个错误; Could not find TLS ALPN provider; no working netty-tcnative, Conscrypt, or Jetty NPN/ALPN available
try (LanguageServiceClient language = LanguageServiceClient.create()) {
// The text to analyze
String text = "Hello, world!";
Document doc = Document.newBuilder()
// Detects the sentiment of the text
Sentiment sentiment = language.analyzeSentiment(doc).getDocumentSentiment();
System.out.printf("Text: %s%n", text);
System.out.printf("Sentiment: %s, %s%n", sentiment.getScore(), sentiment.getMagnitude());
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Gevindu Error "+ e.getMessage());