function remove_duplicate_nested_arrays($parent_array)
$temporary_array = array(); // declare third, temporary array.
foreach($parent_array as $key => $child_array){ // loop through parent array
$child_array_serial = serialize($child_array); // serialize child each array
if(in_array($child_array_serial,$temporary_array)){ // check if child array serial exists in third array
unset($parent_array[$key]); // unset the child array by key from parent array if it's serial exists in third array
$temporary_array[] = $child_array_serial; // if this point is reached, the serial of child array is not in third array, so add it so duplicates can be detected in future iterations.
return $parent_array;
这也可以在 1 行中实现,使用 @Jose Carlos Gp 建议如下:
$b = array_map('unserialize', array_unique(array_map('serialize', $a)));
上述功能扩展了 1 班轮解决方案中实际发生的情况。