
import Data.Functor.Foldable

odds :: [a] -> [a]
odds = histo $ \case
  Nil                           -> []
  Cons h (_ :< Nil)             -> [h]
  Cons h (_ :< Cons _ (t :< _)) -> h:t

如何使用 获得相同的东西mhisto

nil      = Fix Nil
cons a b = Fix $ Cons a b
list = cons 1 $ cons 2 $ cons 3 $ nil

modds :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a]
modds = mhisto alg where
   alg _ _ Nil = []
   alg f g (Cons a b) = ?

1 回答 1



modds :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a]
modds = mhisto alg
    alg _ _ Nil = []
    alg odd pre (Cons a b) = a : case pre b of
        Nil -> []
        Cons _ b' -> odd b' 
GHCi> list = cata embed [1..10] :: Fix (ListF Int)
GHCi> odds (cata embed list)
GHCi> modds list

odd折叠列表的其余部分,同时pre挖掘前任。请注意 Mendler 代数中函数的可用性如何y -> f y反映Cofree普通组态代数中的引入(其中可以通过到达Cofree流的尾部来进行挖掘):

cata  :: Functor f => (f c -> c) -> Fix f -> c
histo :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f c) -> c) -> Fix f -> c

mcata  :: (forall y. (y -> c) -> f y -> c) -> Fix f -> c
mhisto :: (forall y. (y -> c) -> (y -> f y) -> f y -> c) -> Fix f -> c 

有关 and 的进一步阅读mcata,请参阅Varmo Venemhisto所著的具有归纳和共归纳类型的分类编程的第 5 章和第 6 章。

于 2018-11-03T05:03:07.083 回答