我在 PowerPC 上遇到 GCC 内联汇编。该程序可以正常编译-g2 -O3
,但无法编译-g3 -O0
$ cat test.cxx
#include <altivec.h>
#undef vector
typedef __vector unsigned char uint8x16_p;
uint8x16_p VectorFastLoad8(const void* p)
long offset = 0;
uint8x16_p res;
__asm(" lxvd2x %x0, %1, %2 \n\t"
: "=wa" (res)
: "g" (p), "g" (offset/4), "Z" (*(const char (*)[16]) p));
return res;
这是错误。(自从使用内联汇编替换 PowerPC vec_xl_be以来,该错误一直存在,但直到现在我都可以忽略它)。
$ g++ -g3 -O0 -mcpu=power8 test.cxx -c
/home/test/tmp/ccWvBTN4.s: Assembler messages:
/home/test/tmp/ccWvBTN4.s:31: Error: operand out of range (64 is not between 0 and 31)
/home/test/tmp/ccWvBTN4.s:31: Error: syntax error; found `(', expected `,'
/home/test/tmp/ccWvBTN4.s:31: Error: junk at end of line: `(31),32(31)'
我相信这是 *.s 列表中的痛处:
# 12 "test.cxx" 1
lxvd2x 0, 64(31), 32(31)
$ head -n 40 test.s
.file "test.cxx"
.abiversion 2
.section ".toc","aw"
.align 3
.section ".text"
.machine power8
.align 2
.globl _Z15VectorFastLoad8PKv
.type _Z15VectorFastLoad8PKv, @function
.file 1 "test.cxx"
.loc 1 7 0
std 31,-8(1)
stdu 1,-96(1)
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
.cfi_offset 31, -8
mr 31,1
.cfi_def_cfa_register 31
std 3,64(31)
.loc 1 8 0
li 9,0
std 9,32(31)
.loc 1 12 0
ld 9,64(31)
# 12 "test.cxx" 1
lxvd2x 0, 64(31), 32(31)
# 0 "" 2
xxpermdi 0,0,0,2
li 9,48
stxvd2x 0,31,9
.loc 1 13 0
li 9,48
lxvd2x 0,31,9
$ g++ -g3 -O3 -mcpu=power8 test.cxx -save-temps -c
$ objdump --disassemble test.o | c++filt
test.o: file format elf64-powerpcle
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000000 <VectorFastLoad8(void const*)>:
0: 99 06 43 7c lxvd2x vs34,r3,r0
4: 20 00 80 4e blr
8: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
c: 00 09 00 00 .long 0x900
10: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0