我正在尝试将感染/感染php 突变测试库实施到我的一个新项目中。我已经设置了一些测试都通过了,然后进行了感染。
You are running Infection with xdebug enabled.
____ ____ __ _
/ _/___ / __/__ _____/ /_(_)___ ____
/ // __ \/ /_/ _ \/ ___/ __/ / __ \/ __ \
_/ // / / / __/ __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / / /
/___/_/ /_/_/ \___/\___/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/
Running initial test suite...
PHPUnit version: 7.4.0
23 [============================] < 1 sec
Generate mutants...
Processing source code files: 3/3
Creating mutated files and processes: 14/14
.: killed, M: escaped, S: uncovered, E: fatal error, T: timed out
14 mutations were generated:
0 mutants were killed
14 mutants were not covered by tests
0 covered mutants were not detected
0 errors were encountered
0 time outs were encountered
Mutation Score Indicator (MSI): 0%
Mutation Code Coverage: 0%
Covered Code MSI: 0%
Please note that some mutants will inevitably be harmless (i.e. false positives).
Time: 1s. Memory: 10.00MB
当我更深入地研究我的infection-log.txt时,我发现许多未发现的突变体都是针对Function Signature Visibility mutator的。
我遇到的问题是我的测试确实涵盖了这些方法。我手动将我的一些方法从公共更改为受保护,重新运行了我的 phpunit 测试并且测试失败了。我真的不知道从哪里开始。我有一种预感,感染无法正确检测到我的 phpunit 测试套件,但我在其他地方找不到任何关于此问题的讨论。