我正在寻找 CUDA 和 HPC 中的一些一维问题,例如Black Scholes


我正在尝试为 CUDA 开发一维库,并且需要一些基准问题来测试它。我意识到很多现实世界的问题都表示为 2D,我真的很想看到一些现实世界的 1D 问题。


编辑:感谢所有的答案。如果答案包含更多 HPC 问题,例如 Black Scholes,而不仅仅是通用算法,那就太好了。谢谢。


4 回答 4


并行编程中的一个常见问题是减少:给定一个数字数组,并且必须计算“前缀和”,即每个元素都存储所有前导元素的总和(+ 本身或不。我更喜欢包容性) .






于 2011-03-12T15:55:15.103 回答

一个可以用于 1 到 3 维的简单问题是热方程。有几种不同的数值方法可以解决它,其中一些可以并行实现。

一种至少适用于 OpenMp 和 MPI 的方法是有限差分法。我想如果你将它与一个聪明的模板结合起来,你应该能够在 Cuda C 中有效地实现它。

于 2011-03-12T17:23:11.570 回答


下面,我将发布一个关于这个主题的具体的、完全工作的 CPU/GPU 示例,它利用Jacobi解决方案方案。请注意,提供了两个时间步内核,一个不使用共享内存,一个使用共享内存

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <thrust\device_vector.h>

#include "Utilities.cuh"

#define BLOCKSIZE  512

void HeatEquation1DCPU(float * __restrict__ h_T, int *Niter, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    float *h_DeltaT = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));

    // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
    *h_T = T0;
    h_DeltaT[0] = 0.f;

    float current_max;
    do {
        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) h_DeltaT[i] = dt * alpha * ((h_T[i - 1] + h_T[i + 1] - 2.f * h_T[i]) / (dx * dx));

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        h_DeltaT[N - 1] = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((h_T[N - 2] - h_T[N - 1]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature and find the maximum DeltaT over all nodes
        current_max = h_DeltaT[0]; // --- Remember: h_DeltaT[0] = 0
        for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
            h_T[i] = h_T[i] + h_DeltaT[i]; // h_T[0] keeps
            current_max = abs(h_DeltaT[i]) > current_max ? abs(h_DeltaT[i]) : current_max;

        // --- Increase iteration counter

    } while (*Niter < maxIterNumber && current_max > maxErr);

    delete [] h_DeltaT;

__global__ void HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationKernel(float * __restrict__ d_T, float * __restrict__ d_DeltaT, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    if (tid < N) {

        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        if ((tid > 0) && (tid < N - 1) ) d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * alpha *((d_T[tid - 1] + d_T[tid + 1] - 2.f * d_T[tid]) / (dx * dx));
        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
        if (tid == 0)                    d_DeltaT[0]    = 0.f;
        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        if (tid == N - 1)                d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((d_T[tid - 1] - d_T[tid]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature
        d_T[tid] = d_T[tid] + d_DeltaT[tid]; 

        d_DeltaT[tid] = abs(d_DeltaT[tid]);


__global__ void HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationSharedKernel(float * __restrict__ d_T, float * __restrict__ d_DeltaT, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    // --- Shared memory has 0, 1, ..., BLOCKSIZE - 1, BLOCKSIZE locations, so it has BLOCKSIZE locations + 2 (left and right) halo cells.
    __shared__ float d_T_shared[BLOCKSIZE + 2];             // --- Need to know BLOCKSIZE beforehand

    if (tid < N) {

        // --- Load data from global memory to shared memory locations 1, 2, ..., BLOCKSIZE - 1
        d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1] = d_T[tid];                 

        // --- Left halo cell
        if ((threadIdx.x == 0) && (tid > 0)) { d_T_shared[0] = d_T[tid - 1]; }          

        // --- Right halo cell
        if ((threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) && (tid < N - 1)) { d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 2] = d_T[tid + 1]; } 


        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        if ((tid > 0) && (tid < N - 1) ) d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * alpha *((d_T_shared[threadIdx.x] + d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 2] - 2.f * d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1]) / (dx * dx));

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
        if (tid == 0)                    d_DeltaT[0]    = 0.f;

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        if (tid == N - 1)                d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((d_T_shared[threadIdx.x] - d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature
        d_T[tid] = d_T[tid] + d_DeltaT[tid]; 

        d_DeltaT[tid] = abs(d_DeltaT[tid]);


void HeatEquation1DGPU(float * __restrict__ d_T, int *Niter, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    // --- Absolute values of DeltaT
    float *d_DeltaT;    gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_DeltaT, N * sizeof(float)));

    // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_T, &T0, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

    float current_max = 0.f;
    do {
        //HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationKernel<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(d_T, d_DeltaT, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);
        HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationSharedKernel<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(d_T, d_DeltaT, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

        thrust::device_ptr<float> d = thrust::device_pointer_cast(d_DeltaT);  
        current_max = thrust::reduce(d, d + N, current_max, thrust::maximum<float>());

        // --- Increase iteration counter

    } while (*Niter < maxIterNumber && current_max > maxErr);


/* MAIN */
int main()
    // --- See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_diffusivity

    // --- Parameters of the problem
    const float k           = 0.19f;                    // --- Thermal conductivity [W / (m * K)]
    const float rho         = 930.f;                    // --- Density [kg / m^3]
    const float cp          = 1340.f;                   // --- Specific heat capacity [J / (kg * K)]
    const float alpha       = k / (rho * cp);           // --- Thermal diffusivity [m^2 / s]
    const float length      = 1.6f;                     // --- Total length of the domain [m]
    const int N             = 64 * BLOCKSIZE;           // --- Number of grid points
    const float dx          = (length / (float)(N - 1));// --- Discretization step [m]
    const float dt          = (float)(dx * dx / (4.f * alpha));
                                                        // --- Time step [s]
    const float T0          = 0.f;                      // --- Temperature at the first end of the domain [C]
    const float Q_N_1       = 10.f;                     // --- Heat flux at the second end of the domain [W / m^2]
    const float maxErr      = 1.0e-5f;                  // --- Maximum admitted DeltaT
    const int maxIterNumber = 10.0 / dt;                // --- Number of overall time steps

    float *h_T_final_device = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));       // --- Final "host-side" result of GPU calculations
    int Niter_GPU = 0;                                                  // --- Iteration counter for GPU calculations

    // --- Device temperature allocation and initialization
    float *d_T;     gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_T, N * sizeof(float)));
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemset(d_T, 0, N * sizeof(float))); 

    // --- GPU calculations
    HeatEquation1DGPU(d_T, &Niter_GPU, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

    // --- Transfer the GPU calculation results from device to host
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_T_final_device, d_T, N * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    // --- Host temperature allocation and initialization
    float *h_T_final_host = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));
    memset(h_T_final_host, 0, N * sizeof(float));

    int Niter_CPU = 0;

    HeatEquation1DCPU(h_T_final_host, &Niter_CPU, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        printf("Node = %i; T_host = %3.10f; T_device = %3.10f\n", i, h_T_final_host[i], h_T_final_device[i]);
        if (h_T_final_host[i] != h_T_final_device[i]) {
            printf("Error at i = %i; T_host = %f; T_device = %f\n", i, h_T_final_host[i], h_T_final_device[i]);
            return 0;

    printf("Test passed!\n");

    delete [] h_T_final_device;

    return 0;
于 2015-09-22T07:41:46.030 回答


于 2011-03-13T06:56:00.973 回答