我想提取有关我的 Vive Tracker 传感器姿势的信息。
例如,当我将 vive 追踪器放在桌子上并用手旋转它时,它不会改变 YAW,而是改变追踪器的 PITCH。
如果是 Vive Tracker,您应该使用 OpenVR 的其他功能,以便正确读取姿势。
#get the pose with orientation in radians
def get_pose_radians(self):
pose = self.vr.getControllerStateWithPose(openvr.TrackingUniverseStanding, self.index,openvr.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount)
return convert_to_radians(pose[2].mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking)
#Convert the 3x4 position/rotation matrix to a x,y,z location and the appropriate Euler angles (in radians)
def convert_to_radians(pose_mat):
roundfact = 16
x = pose_mat[0][3]
y = pose_mat[1][3]
z = pose_mat[2][3]
# Algorhitm 1
#read here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/358720/discussions/0/343787920117426152/
pitch = math.atan2(pose_mat[2][1], pose_mat[2][2])
yaw = math.asin(pose_mat[2][0])
roll = math.atan2(-pose_mat[1][0], pose_mat[0][0])
return [x,y,z,yaw, pitch, roll]
def convert_to_quaternion(pose_mat):
r_w = math.sqrt( max( 0, 1 + pose_mat[0][0] + pose_mat[1][1]+ pose_mat[2][2] ) ) / 2
r_x = math.sqrt( max( 0, 1 + pose_mat[0][0] - pose_mat[1][1] - pose_mat[2][2] ) ) / 2
r_y = math.sqrt( max( 0, 1 - pose_mat[0][0] + pose_mat[1][1] - pose_mat[2][2] ) ) / 2
r_z = math.sqrt( max( 0, 1 - pose_mat[0][0] - pose_mat[1][1] + pose_mat[2][2] ) ) / 2
r_x *= math.copysign(1, r_x * ( -pose_mat[2][1] + pose_mat[1][2] ) )
r_y *= math.copysign(1,r_y * ( -pose_mat[0][2] + pose_mat[2][0] ) )
r_z *= math.copysign(1,r_z * ( pose_mat[1][0] - pose_mat[0][1] ) )
x = pose_mat[0][3]
y = pose_mat[1][3]
z = pose_mat[2][3]
return [x,y,z,r_w,r_x,r_y,r_z]