function [root, niter, rlist] = bisection2( func, xint, tol )
% BISECTION2: Bisection algorithm for solving a nonlinear equation
% (non-recursive).
% Sample usage:
% [root, niter, rlist] = bisection2( func, xint, tol )
% Input:
% func - function to be solved
% xint - interval [xleft,xright] bracketing the root
% tol - convergence tolerance (OPTIONAL, defaults to 1e-6)
% Output:
% root - final estimate of the root
% niter - number of iterations needed
% rlist - list of midpoint values obtained in each iteration.
% First, do some error checking on parameters.
if nargin < 2
fprintf( 1, 'BISECTION2: must be called with at least two arguments' );
error( 'Usage: [root, niter, rlist] = bisection( func, xint, [tol])' );
if length(xint) ~= 2, error( 'Parameter ''xint'' must be a vector of length 2.' ), end
if nargin < 3, tol = 1e-6; end
% fcnchk(...) allows a string function to be sent as a parameter, and
% coverts it to the correct type to allow evaluation by feval().
func = fcnchk( func );
done = 0;
rlist = [xint(1); xint(2)];
niter = 0;
while ~done
% The next line is a more accurate way of computing
% xmid = (x(1) + x(2)) / 2 that avoids cancellation error.
xmid = xint(1) + (xint(2) - xint(1)) / 2;
fmid = feval(func,xmid);
if fmid * feval(func,xint(1)) < 0
xint(2) = xmid;
xint(1) = xmid;
rlist = [rlist; xmid];
niter = niter + 1;
if abs(xint(2)-xint(1)) < 2*tol || abs(fmid) < tol
done = 1;
root = xmid;
%END bisection2.
我们必须使用此代码来找到第一类贝塞尔函数 (J0(x)) 的第 n 个零。插入一个范围然后找到我们正在寻找的特定根非常简单。但是,我们必须绘制 Xn 与 n 的关系图,为此,我们需要能够计算与 n 相关的大量根。所以为此,我写了这段代码:
bound = 1000;
x = linspace(0, bound, 1000);
for i=0:bound
for j=1:bound
y = bisection2(@(x) besselj(0,x), [i,j], 1e-6)
我相信这会奏效,但它提供的根源不是有序的并且不断重复。我认为问题是我调用 bisection2 时的范围。我知道 [i,j] 不是最好的方法,我希望有人能引导我朝着正确的方向解决这个问题。