我正在使用 scala 语言来定义 2 个运算符::++并且++:作为彼此的精确镜像: a :++ b == b ++: a,它们显然不是可交换的: a :++ b != a ++: b

这是我用于测试的 scala 代码:

import org.scalatest.FunSpec

import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap

case class Example(self: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap.empty) {

  def :++(v: Example) = this.copy(
    self ++ (v.self -- self.keys.toSeq)

  def ++:(v: Example) = {
    println("forward: " + :++(v))
    println("reverse: " + (v :++ this))
    v :++ this

class OperatorOverrideSuite extends FunSpec {

  val p1 = Example(ListMap("a" -> "1"))
  val p2 = Example(ListMap("a" -> "2"))

  it(":++ operator should preserve first value") {
    assert(p1 :++ p2 == p1)

  it("++: operator should preserve second value") {
    assert(p1 ++: p2 == p2)


forward: Example(Map(a -> 2))
reverse: Example(Map(a -> 1))

Example(Map(a -> 1)) did not equal Example(Map(a -> 2))
ScalaTestFailureLocation: com.schedule1.datapassports.params.OperatorOverrideSuite$$anonfun$2 at (OperatorOverrideSuite.scala:30)
Expected :Example(Map(a -> 2))
Actual   :Example(Map(a -> 1))
 <Click to see difference>

org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: Example(Map(a -> 1)) did not equal Example(Map(a -> 2))
    at org.scalatest.Assertions$class.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:528)
    at org.scalatest.FunSpec.newAssertionFailedException(FunSpec.scala:1630)
    at org.scalatest.Assertions$AssertionsHelper.macroAssert(Assertions.scala:501)
    at ...

从打印的消息看来,scala 覆盖了我的运算符并自行反转操作数,是什么可能导致 scala 编译器以这种方式运行?它是一个错误吗?

我正在使用最新的 scala 2.11 和最新的 Java 8u181 进行测试。


1 回答 1


来自 Scala 的语言规范

运算符的关联性由运算符的最后一个字符决定。以冒号 `:' 结尾的运算符是右结合的。所有其他运算符都是左结合的。


scala> case class Test(name: String) {
     |     def ++:(that: Test) = println(s"Called ++: on $this with argument $that")
     |     def :++(that: Test) = println(s"Called :++ on $this with argument $that")
     | }
defined class Test

scala> val (x, y) = (Test("x"), Test("y"))
x: Test = Test(x)
y: Test = Test(y)

scala> x ++: y
Called ++: on Test(y) with argument Test(x)

scala> x :++ y
Called :++ on Test(x) with argument Test(y)

结果,当您p1 ++: p2在代码中说时,执行的是p2.++:(p1),相当于p1 :++ p2. 这意味着您的两个运算符实际上是严格等价的。

于 2018-09-21T18:57:27.033 回答