对应r code如下。

theta <- seq(0,1, length = 10)
CD_theta <- function(x, p, n){
  1 - pbinom(x, size = n, prob = p) + 1 / 2 * dbinom(x, size = n, prob = p)


mytheta <- CD_theta(5, theta, 10)
df <- data.frame(theta = theta, mytheta = mytheta)
ggplot(df, aes(x = theta, y = mytheta)) +
  geom_line(size = 1, col = "steelblue") +
  ylab("H(Theta)") +

下面给出了相应的图表。 在此处输入图像描述

如您所见,有两条水平线(以红色绘制)和两条垂直线(以黑色绘制)。我需要在 x 轴上找到与 H(theta) 的交点相对应的两个点。

我使用locator()函数 inr计算单次迭代的两个 x 截距。我想将上面的内容迭代 1000 次,所以单独找到它们真的很乏味。

有没有其他r函数可以用来找到这两个 x 截点?



3 回答 3




theta <- seq(0,1, length = 10)
CD_theta <- function(x, p, n){
  1 - pbinom(x, size = n, prob = p) + 1 / 2 * dbinom(x, size = n, prob = p)

# Create a function to compute the difference between the "y" you want 
# and the "y" computed with CD_theta function 
# then try to minimize the output of this new function : 
# get the theta value corresponding to this "y"

my_fn <- function(theta_loc, y, x, n) { 
  # the function to optimize
  abs(y - CD_theta(x, theta_loc, n)) # dont forget abs (absolute)

# Then use optimize function to compute the theta value 
# between a given interval : c(0,1) in this case
# Note that you can directly modify here the values of y, x and n
v1 <- optimize(my_fn, c(0, 1), y = 0.025, x = 5, n = 10)$`minimum` 
v2 <- optimize(my_fn, c(0, 1), y = 0.975, x = 5, n = 10)$`minimum` 

# print the results
v1 # 0.025
#> [1] 0.2120079
v2 # 0.975
#> [1] 0.7879756

reprex 包(v0.2.0)于 2018 年 9 月 21 日创建。

于 2018-09-21T12:47:29.763 回答


theta <- seq(0,1, length = 100) # increase length here for more precision on point locations
CD_theta <- function(x, p, n){
  1 - pbinom(x, size = n, prob = p) + 1 / 2 * dbinom(x, size = n, prob = p)

mytheta <- CD_theta(5, theta, 10)
df <- data.frame(theta = theta, mytheta = mytheta)
ggplot(df, aes(x = theta, y = mytheta)) +
  geom_line(size = 1, col = "steelblue") +
  ylab("H(Theta)") +

points <- data.frame(x=c(theta[which.min(abs(mytheta - .975))], # find which point is the nearer
                         theta[which.min(abs(mytheta - .025))]),

ggplot(df, aes(x = theta, y = mytheta)) +
  geom_line(size = 1, col = "steelblue") +
  ylab("H(Theta)") +
  xlab("Theta") + 
  geom_point(data=points,aes(y=y, x=x), size=5, col="red")
于 2018-09-21T12:46:25.237 回答

如果您想找到与网格大小无关的确切值ThetaHTheta值(此处N = 10),请应用uniroot到该CD_theta函数。

CD_theta <- function(x, p, n) {
    1  -  pbinom (x, size = n, prob = p) + 
    1/2 * dbinom(x, size = n, prob = p)

u1 = uniroot(function(p) CD_theta(5, p, 10) - 0.025, c(0, 1))
u2 = uniroot(function(p) CD_theta(5, p, 10) - 0.975, c(0, 1))
(Theta1 = u1$root)  # 0.2119934
(Theta2 = u2$root)  # 0.7880066

但是,如果离散化(使用N = 10)对您很重要,则在网格点之间对该函数执行线性插值。

theta <- seq(0, 1, length = 10)
mytheta <- CD_theta(5, theta, 10)
f <- approxfun(theta, mytheta, method = "linear", 0.0, 1.0)

u1 = uniroot(function(p) f(p) - 0.025, c(0, 1))
u2 = uniroot(function(p) f(p) - 0.975, c(0, 1))
(Theta1 = u1$root)  # 0.2015638
(Theta2 = u2$root)  # 0.7984362
于 2018-09-21T13:19:09.163 回答