I'm working on the main menu for the game, where I have options to join or create a room. Under the Create button, I made an Advanced button which will open the advanced panel, giving the user more options, such as room size. I made the correct onclick() event which uses SetActive property of both the main menu panel and the advanced panel.


The problem is, that when I click the button, the advanced menu appears but the main menu doesn't hide. I've looked at different tutorials, but they all say to do exactly what I've done.


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public GameObject panel; // drop the panel in the editor

public void onAdvancedClicked()
   panel.SetActive(!panel.activeSelf); // make it active/inactive with one click

在脚本中初始化你的另一种方法panel是向它添加标签并通过标签获取它,就像在你的 start 方法中一样:

panel = GameObject.FindWithTag("panelTag");
于 2018-09-01T19:29:15.307 回答