我已经下载并安装了hmailserver. 我想在我的本地机器上运行它,并想使用也在我的本地机器上运行的本地 Web 应用程序发送电子邮件。我的 Web 应用程序无法发送电子邮件(出现错误 - couldn't connect to mydomain:25),因此我想先运行hmailserver的诊断工具来测试。


Test: Collect server details hMailServer version: hMailServer 5.6.7-B2425 Database type: MSSQL Compact

Test: Test IPv6 IPv6 support is available in operating system.

Test: Test outbound port SMTP relayer not in use. Attempting mail.hmailserver.com:25... Trying to connect to host mail.hmailserver.com... Trying to connect to TCP/IP address on port 25. Received: 220 mail.hmailserver.com ESMTP. Connected successfully.

Test: Test backup directory ERROR: Backup directory has not been specified.

Test: Test MX records Trying to resolve MX records for mydomain.com... ERROR: MX records for domain mydomain.com could not be resolved

Test: Test local connect Connecting to TCP/IP address in MX records for local domain domain mydomain.com... ERROR: MX records for local domain mydomain.com could not be resolved

Test: Test message file locations Relative message paths are stored in the database for all messages.

Test: Test IP range configuration No problems were found in the IP range configuration.

老实说,我不知道MX Record它是什么以及如何设置它。到目前为止我所做的事情是:

  1. 安装了 hmailserver(显然!)
  2. 添加了一个域 (mydomain.com)
  3. 在 mydomain.com (signup@mydomain.com) 中添加了一个帐户
  4. 在设置-> 协议-> SMTP 中,我在 Delivery of email -> Localhostname 部分添加了 localhost
  5. c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts文件中,我添加了条目127.0.0.1 mydomain.com #for play application
  6. 当我运行时netstat -a,我看到它hmailserver正在监听port 25(我使用net stop hmailserverand对其进行了测试net start hmailserverProto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP DESKTOP-6PLQOLJ:0 LISTENING[/list]



1 回答 1


如果您的 Windows 操作系统DNS-Resolver服务指向DNS-Server不知道任何内容或无法将查询转发给DNS-Server指定域及其 MX-Record 的负责人,则会显示此错误消息。

简而言之:如果没有正确配置您的 DNS 域,hMailServer(或任何其他SMTP-Server)将无法工作。

于 2019-07-19T04:32:25.920 回答